加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息just want to talk about some professions relative to the rea
I want to share some of my thoughts about the jobs relating to the real estate we can see in job market. most of the time, we usually have to do business with a real estate agent, a notary, an inspector of building during our transactions of real estate. behind those sales, there are other people who work in this field: such as a lawyer or an arpenteur-geometre. a notary usually writes the sales deed for you, also he or she is the only qualified person to help you to enter into the hypothec deed. a lawyer usually, in this field, negociates a commerical lease and this can be done by a notary too. I don't want to spend time talking about legal professions or arpenteur-geometre, because you need to have a bachelor degree and meet other qualifications to pratice these careers. here, I want to talk about the inspector of building. as you know, there are so many chinese real estate agents in Montreal, but there are just three or something inspectors. but both of these professions can be finished in less than six months. but why an inspector can earn 70 000 or 80 000 with easiness? the answer is very easy: because there are se few of them. but why people don't know this? because they are ignorant of this, just simple like that. as far as i know, the market still needs at least 20 inspectors, because there is no sens if the balance between the number of real agents and the number of inspectors is so awkwardly kept. this is just my personal thinking. I do not make a lot of research. if this information arouses your interest, please make your own research and, i will definitely not doubt your success, in such a short time.
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