标签:Visiting - 华人论坛



在加拿大 本人visiting scholar的身份来UBC的worker permit却不能工作,因不是open的expiry date 7月中旬 现在不想回去了哪位有公司的帮帮忙我好改签证拜托 评论 回复: 不想回去了,请各位帮帮忙自己顶一...华人论坛


Got visiting visa for my mother on Apr. 20, 2009

在加拿大 Got visiting visa for my mother on Apr. 20, 2009. I also succeeded in apply for visiting visa for my mother-in-law and father-in-law last year. So I am ready to answer your questions if I can be of any help.Sorry that I can't type Chinese in...华人论坛


visiting Calgary

在加拿大 Hi, everyone, I'm living in Montana,south of Calgary, and want to visit Calgary. Any suggestion about the security, food, and others? Thanks 评论 回复: visiting Calgary Just go there and nothing special to mention. Enjoy your trip. 评论...华人论坛


办探亲还是Visiting 签证?

在加拿大 我是加拿大华人,我老公是中国人,哥哥一家定居加拿大。 目前我和老公都在中国工作和定居(有固定资产),这年十月我们想到加拿大旅游和看望哥哥一家。 1. 以我们这种情况,我老...华人论坛