标签:comer - 华人论坛

温哥华 Vancouver

我是new comer,纠结于移民加拿大

在加拿大 我是新来的,跟大家报个到,多多指教。我和老公想移民加拿大,目前也正在想办法,国内很多人都有移民的想法,但是真正出去的还是少数,哪位前辈指点指点,到底是该不该移民呢...华人论坛



在加拿大 我是一个在校大学生,学护理专业的,2010年毕业,想去加拿大工作,不知道该怎么办,具体程序看了很多网页之后还是很迷惑,想找位达人给指导一下,我会参考您的意见,好好学习的...华人论坛



在加拿大 new comer正在努力找房子,请提供信息!最好是公寓,1室2室的都可,有车,所以位置远一些也没关系。 评论 [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 A Aim宅 0$(VIP 0) 33,6082011-09-08#2 回复: 新到一家三口求租!...华人论坛


登陆定居 - New comer!

在加拿大 Bonjour! Is there an immigration office number with English service? I have many questions, thanks a lot!!! 评论 回复: New comer! Why not try to google it? All websites are bilingual, and you should be able to find some useful informatio...华人论坛


New comer

在加拿大 大家好,我是新来的,正准备申请技术移民,请多多关照! 评论 欢迎! 评论 赏 2006-07-19#3 I 1,083 $0.00 来了就是朋友拉...华人论坛


new comer,want to buy a new mobile phone

在加拿大 buy a new mobile phone,please give me some advice,thank you! 评论 回复: new comer,want to buy a new mobile phone buy a new mobile phone,please give me some advice,thank you!点击展开...When I first came here, I went to a mall the seco...华人论坛


hello ,everyone

在加拿大 I'm a new comer .I find there are many good things to share.I'm lucky to come here .Now I have a question to ask .How should I prepare English for going aboard. 评论 回复: hello ,everyone This is really a big question for any of us to an...华人论坛