标签:taken - 华人论坛


is it OK

在加拿大 It is taken into consideration at the time of plant design to reduce waste water dischagre. Main waste water come from cooling and cleaning of electric apparatus or machinery tc. The maximum flow will not exceed 16.8 m3/hr. 工厂的设计考虑...华人论坛


Suspects taken into custody in bucket of tractor

在加拿大 Rural community joins in search for alleged car thievesBY PAM COWAN, LEADER-POST MAY 3, 2014REGINA -- The RCMP is giving a shout-out to Briercrest residents who joined forces with them on Friday in an unusual takedown that involved three sus...华人论坛


It still can be taken as my birthday present

在加拿大 俺昨天贝雕了!俺们人事科长接了个电话, 来自CIC的,对他们的申请人angelonduty的历史做了一系列翻箱倒柜的调查, 电话为时不少于20分钟. 相当滑稽, 俺们人事科长只讲南京当地土话, 而HK方...华人论坛