在加拿大 popiston 说:哇哈哈,太好了。就是用我说的取最高分原则啊!!!Visa officers should also assess applications and test reports which pre-date November 28, 2008against the above correlation table if it is to the applicant...华人论坛
在加拿大 popiston 说:哇哈哈,太好了。就是用我说的取最高分原则啊!!!Visa officers should also assess applications and test reports which pre-date November 28, 2008against the above correlation table if it is to the applicant...华人论坛
在加拿大 我的成绩是听7,阅6.5,写6.5,说5.5.就单科最高的话,是不是三高啊?可得14分吗?各位大侠求证下? 评论 回复: 雅思成绩是单科就高原则吗 放弃这个想法吧! 评论...华人论坛
在加拿大 今天是个光明的日子,急切等待三周后,刚刚收到HK回复,与大家分享! Dear Madam, Please note that language is assessed against both equivalency charts. Whichever results in more points for language proficiency (tha...华人论坛