加拿大华人论坛 德国工作两个经济类博士位置,2014年1月30日截止


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The IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies invites applications for

2 Doctoral Researcher / PhD Candidates
(part-time positions 50 %; Salary group/Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

The Institute of East Asian Studies has established a new School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Organized in six Junior Research Groups the School will focus on innovations in East Asia in two areas: New forms of mobility (e-mobility) and urbanization. Inter alia the School aims to narrow the gap between disciplines and regional studies by strengthening the application of cutting edge theoretical and methodological approaches to research in area studies. Each junior research group consists of two doctoral researchers and is led by a post-doctoral scholar.

The School is looking for two doctoral researchers with a background in institutional economics, game theory or related fields. Applicants must have a strong MA degree (or equivalent), good knowledge in theories and methods of their respective discipline and a proven interest in East Asia (China, Japan or Korea). Applicants should be open for transdisciplinary cooperation. They must be fluent in English. A good knowledge of an East Asian language and German is an advantage.

The School offers successful applicants a highly dynamic research environment, a structured PhD program with excellent supervision and guidance. The duration of the PhD projects is three years.

The University of Duisburg-Essen aims at promoting the diversity of its members
It aims at increasing the share of female faculty members and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Women with equal qualifications will, in accordance with state equality legislation, be given priority.
People with disabilities are encouraged to apply (see § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX).

Applications (incl. CV, copy of degrees incl. transcript of grades, a research proposal of 3–5 pages) are to be submitted in one electronic file to the Director of the School Prof. Markus Taube ([email protected]) by Jan. 30, 2014. The positions start from April 1, 2014 or earlier. In addition a letter of recommendation from a scholar able to assess your scholarly potential must be sent directly to Prof. Markus Taube, IN-EAST, University of Duisburg-Essen, 47048 Duisburg.


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