加拿大华人论坛 德国工作Interns Allianz


roup Development develops strategic options for the international Allianz Group. Results of our processes: Missions and strategies for all business areas and divisions. We are offering you the opportunity to become a partner in our team to examine strategic opportunities.       


We are looking for:

Interns (m/f)
for the period between February and June 2007.

You will be working as part of a team preparing strategic options. Research, analysis, discussions and the resulting presentations developed by you and your team are the basis of decisions by the board of Management.

Excellent profile

Your University major is less important than excellent grades and being among the very best in your year. The ability to quickly grasp, analyze and evaluate complex processes and issues are necessary skills. Furthermore, communicating your conclusions in a clear, well structured manner should also be among your strengths.

Have you got good MS-Office skills, very good knowledge of English and international experience? Are you a communicative and constructive team player, with the ability to act in a goal-orientated manner? Are you enthusiastic about visions, without losing touch with reality? Do loyalty and integrity describe you? Do you have working experience, for example in form of other internships?
If you have answered yes to all of these questions, you may be right for us.

We are offering exceptional experiences

Group Development analyzes a wide range of questions potentially affecting Allianz: whether pensions in Europe, banking distribution in Asia, the effects of macroeconomic changes on the Indian insurance market, or the impact of technological development on life expectancy in the USA.

This internship gives you the opportunity to get to know the structure and reality of one of the biggest financial service providers worldwide. We will assign you to a topic that suits your area of expertise or interest. We expect you to work independently, but experienced staff supports you.

Are you interested?

We will contact you after the receipt of your application, electronically if preferred, including Curriculum Vitae, and copies of certificates (SATs/A-levels/Abitur, University grades/Vordiplom, job references/Arbeitszeugnisse etc.).
If your profile matches our high expectations, we will invite you to Munich for an interview. For international candidates interviews via telephone are possible. Here we would like to test – partly through a case study – your academic and personal aptitude

To be able to effectively work in our team and gain broad insight into the Allianz Group, we require a minimum duration of 10 weeks for the internship.

If you are interested or have any questions about the internship, feel free to contact Dr. Carlo Pugnetti (eMail: carlo.pugnetti@allianz.com)



Allianz SE

Group Development
Herr Dr. Carlo Pugnetti
K?niginstra?e 28
80802 München

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