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Regulatory Manager (Chinese Registration)


Stelle / Anforderungen

The currently open position is the one of a regulatory manager for Chinese registration. China is more and more tightening its regulatory requirements and our international clients are requested to deliver additional data and information, if they wish to register their products in China. The applicant will have to work for our internationally operating clients seeking registration of their Agrochemicals, Chemicals and Biocides in China on one hand and with experts in different scientific areas (product safety experts) in our Rheinfelden team to ensure accurate and on-time delivery of the registration dossiers. The applicant will need to be familiar with Chinese regulatory requirements and needs to stay in contact with the Chinese Regulatory Authorities (ICAMA etc.). Beside the regulatory work also consultation of our clients is required. The applicant needs to be fluent in Chinese, German and English (in word and writing). The applicant should also stay in contact with Chinese clients for international registration proposes.
The applicant should be familiar with Chinese registration of at least one of the three product types (Agrochemicals, Chemicals and /or Biocides).
The applicant should be familiar to work with Chinese laboratories.
The applicant should be able to work in a globally operating team of product safety experts and should be able to guide them following Chinese regulatory requirements. A degree in chemistry, biology or other natural sciences is not required as the applicant will work in this respect with the product safety expert team.
The applicant should be fluent in Chinese, German and English (in word and writing).
The applicant should have more than two years of proven experience in this field in the last years.
The application should be able to start best within a four-weeks period.
Eurofins Regulatory AG offers merits according to the Swiss Chemical Industry standards. The position is permanent.


是咨询公司在找人? 年薪多少?还是在瑞士的长期合同


粗粗看下, 脑里浮的感觉就是 should 是 shall 的虚拟语气。

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