Just about everyone in Toronto is looking for a way to beat the summer heat #65533; including the city's raccoons. Take a look as this plump trash panda takes a dip in a local couples backyard pool. pic.twitter.com/ceiEUYY1aX
— CBC Toronto (@CBCToronto) July 24, 2020
据房主男主人James Novak描述,这位方便面君在水中的泳姿类似狗在水中,都是狗刨姿势


房子的女主人Catherine Creager在推特中表示,这位浣熊似乎并不怕人,即使她近距离拍照也不躲闪,可能需要多晒晒日光浴,最好再来一杯鸡尾酒。
更有爱的是,很多人还担心浣熊的安全。I called animal control and AAA Gates wildlife who said theyd never heard of such a thing! Called him the @MichaelPhelps of raccoons! 傪烩€嶁65533; @blogTO #swimmingraccoon #raccoonsoftoronto #onlyincanada #trashpanda pic.twitter.com/DFfNmzw8vN
— Catherine (@ccreager02) July 23, 2020
Well, this is a first! Guess it was too crowded at the Humber River for a socially distanced swim today? @novak_james found this special visitor in our pool today...a href="https://twitter.com/blogTO?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@blogTO #raccoonsoftoronto #swimmingraccoons #trashpanda #onlyincanada pic.twitter.com/C8Yq5D4c9u
— Catherine (@ccreager02) July 23, 2020
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