
周末人们去Sandbanks Provincial Park的途中,一路盼望着闪亮水域和白色沙滩,然而取而代之的是,随着人群蜂拥进入公园,大排量的汽车都在排队,道路变成停车场。
通往North Beach的公路上,一大早交通都变成了这样,社交媒体随即提醒有可能关闭公园。A day-use closure is expected early today. This is the lineup at 8am and traffic is now backed up on the County Roads leading into the park. Please plan accordingly. Reminder- when full capacity is reached no day-use permits are able to enter, this includes seasonal passes. pic.twitter.com/eBrdL4YNlJ
— Sandbanks Prov Park (@SandbanksPP) July 25, 2020
由于容量有限,交通超载,周边许多公园在周六和周日被迫拒了很多游客。Traffic at North Beach is backed up on the County Road. Expect long wait times, a park closure is possible. Please plan accordingly and visit another day. pic.twitter.com/eBW9cWzqnG
— Sandbanks Prov Park (@SandbanksPP) July 26, 2020

Toronto Islands甚至数千人挤满了大约一公里长的沙滩,而社交距离是没有的
几乎没有人戴口罩,不过根据多伦多市强制性口罩条例,仅在室内才需要使用面罩。@JohnTory hanlans point today,lots of social distancing pic.twitter.com/NNx3EmX5uI
— Timmer99 (@Stimmer991) July 26, 2020
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