Hundreds of bodies of Indigenous children were discovered in unmarked graves at another former residential school in Canada’s Saskatchewan province.
— TRT World (@trtworld) June 24, 2021
It comes just weeks after the remains of 215 children, some as young as 3 years old, were found buried in British Columbia pic.twitter.com/Y6xJ1E7toQ
今天早上加拿大多家本地媒體曝出,薩省前原住民寄宿學校(Marieval Indian Residential School)的遺址附近,有“可怕和令人震驚的發現,在那附近發現了數百個沒有任何標記的墳墓”。
#BREAKING: A total of 751 unmarked graves were found at the site of the former Marieval residential school.http://t.co/AkY3hVbf2i
— Globalnews.ca (@globalnews) June 24, 2021
代表薩省74個原住民社區的組織 FSIN(The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations) 今天上午與Cowessess原住民社區的酋長Cadmus Delorme一起宣布了上述消息。
加拿大原住民大會主席Perry Bellegarde在周三晚些時候所發的一條推文中表示,在Cowessess First Nation的這一發現“絕對是悲慘的,但並不令人驚訝”。
這是繼上個月,在BC省的Kamloops寄宿學校發現一個215 名兒童的遺體亂墳坑後的又一驚人發現。
The news that hundreds of unmarked graves have been found in Cowessess First Nation is absolutely tragic, but not surprising.
— Perry Bellegarde (@perrybellegarde) June 23, 2021
I urge all Canadians to stand with First Nations in this extremely difficult and emotional time. http://t.co/8SHEevtk71
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