(综合)多伦多警察局局长James Ramer周五早上证实,在市政厅车库附近发生的一起事件中,一名在多伦多工作了 31 年的警官被车辆撞倒后身亡。
“我深感悲痛地确认52 师的杰弗里·诺斯拉普 (Jeffrey Northrup)的死讯,”Ramer在最新消息中告诉记者。

多伦多警察局当时没有发布任何有关此事件的信息,只是在 Twitter 上发布了简短的更新,称在 Bay Street 和 Queen Street West 附近进行了“警方调查”。
— Toronto Police Operations (@TPSOperations) July 2, 2021
Bay St & Queen St W
- police o/s
- road closures in the immediate area
- ongoing investigation#GO1236780
Ramer 和副局长 Peter Yuen 周五早些时候在现场,但拒绝发表评论。
Ramer 说,Northrup的搭档也被送往医院,在那里她接受了治疗,并因轻伤出院。
“他死于做他喜欢的事情。他热爱他的工作……尽管我们偶尔会遇到危险,但他继续尽其所能地完成这项工作。尽管工作了 31 年,但他仍然渴望做到这一点。”
#BREAKING: Toronto police officer Cst Jeffrey Northrup has died after an incident where he was “deliberately” targeted by a vehicle during an investigation at an unground parking garage at City Hall. He was a veteran of 31 years.
— Kamil Karamali (@KamilKaramali) July 2, 2021
Police also say one person is in custody.
Ramer 说 Northrup 和他的搭档当时正在回应升级为刺伤的抢劫电话。
Northrup 和他的搭档当时身着便衣,但脖子上的链子上戴着身份证明。作为 7 月 1 日加拿大国庆日活动的一部分,他们一直在市中心工作。
“他 [Northrup] 应该被铭记为一名杰出的警官和社区成员。他充满个性,受到所有人的喜爱,”Ramer说。
Tragic news on the death of Cst. Jeff Northrup.
— Chief Nishan Duraiappah (@ChiefNish) July 2, 2021
On behalf of the members of @PeelPolice, I offer sincere condolences to his family, friends, loved ones & co-workers.
He was a policing professional, dedicated to keeping his community safe. He was a hero in life, not in death. pic.twitter.com/jS3O2rbAIj
Northrup 的妻子、三个孩子和他的母亲备受打击。多伦多警察协会表示正在照顾 Northrup 的妻子和孩子,并要求公众尊重他们的隐私。
多伦多市长约翰·托里(John Tory)也在周五上午的新闻发布会上表示,他工作中最困难的部分是悲剧发生在这座城市。
“我首先代表我们警察所服务的 300 万人,向Northrup警官的家人致以最深切的哀悼。”
“听到这一悲惨消息,我感到非常难过。杰夫·诺斯鲁普 (Jeff Northrup) 在执行任务时丧生,”省长道格·福特 (Doug Ford) 在推特上写道。
I’m terribly saddened to hear the tragic news of Const. Jeff Northrup who was killed in the line of duty. Jeff served his community for 31 years. My deepest condolences to his wife, three kids and the entire Toronto Police Service. We are with you mourning this devastating loss.
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) July 2, 2021
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