
(Anna Blefare)
(综合)今天周三凌晨,大温附近网红景点Cultus Lake 附近一个繁忙露营地发生火灾,疑似房车空车导致发生大火,一名男子被送往医院,情况危急。
A man has been sent to hospital in critical condition after a fire broke out at a busy campsite near Cultus Lake early this morning.http://t.co/DzduNefr2h pic.twitter.com/KObEquYuxx
— NEWS 1130 (@NEWS1130) July 14, 2021
奇利瓦克皇家骑警表示,午夜过后不久,Cultus Lake 附近Sunnyside Campground 的一辆房车内起火。急救人员赶到现场时,房车已经被大火吞没。
根据citynews1130的报道,许多露营者在梦中被警笛声惊醒。其中包括安娜( Anna Blefare)一家。她称事发时她和孩子们已经睡觉,突然听到外面的尖叫声,还有一些爆炸声。
What’s left of the 5th wheel from last night’s terrifying fire at Sunnyside Campground in Cultus Lake. pic.twitter.com/Xmi6Ln4eJX
— Anna Blefare (@annablefare) July 14, 2021
Nothing like being woken up by screaming as a massive fire is happening in our campground right now. Didn’t even have time to hook up the trailer. Woke up the kids, and we are all trying to evacuate. @NEWS1130
— Anna Blefare (@annablefare) July 14, 2021
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