市民Phoenix Lam在社交平台Twitter發布的片段顯示,至少有5條鯊魚在水中游過。
Just some sharks snacking on tiny silver fish on the seawall this a.m. Never forget to stop the roses during your long runs. #vancouverbc #vancouver #runchat #runvan pic.twitter.com/QNOIE16dA0
— Phoenix Lam | 林政言 (@PhoeLam) August 21, 2021
她當時正在溫市中心史丹利公園的siwash rock附近跑步。
這並不是民眾首次在溫哥華海堤目擊鯊魚,在2018年,一名女子於Kits Beach海灘的淺水區見到一條鯊魚。
💯% those are spiny dogfish sharks, and most likely feeding on Smelt fish. Sometimes you'll see people with long nets collecting smelt along the seawall for deep fry. Mmmmmm 😋. Were you on your 3rd lap around the seawall? 👍
— Christopher A Hartman (@grasshopptrader) August 22, 2021
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