Mike McCulloch说:开始认为Bonnie Henry博士并没有认真对待整个大流行病。
Starting to think Dr. Bonnie Henry isn't taking this whole pandemic thing all that fucking seriously. http://t.co/xeXRgf1hNT
— Mike McCulloch (@MicMcCulloch) August 20, 2021
还有人说:Bonnie Henry让BC一次有一次失望。
Thank you for speaking up. Bonnie Henry has failed British Columbians over and over again. http://t.co/SYAbBPNz4t
— 끌레🍁 (@ohmyjunsu) August 23, 2021
因为,一段视频显示Bonnie Henry没有口罩,没有社交距离,后面还有人喊不要戴口罩
What is Dr. Bonnie Henry doing?
— Sandy Garossino (@Garossino) August 20, 2021
No mask, no social distancing, cameras.
School starts in a couple of weeks, <12’s aren’t vaccinated, & Delta is 🔥. http://t.co/E2e3VUjTQe
在上周四晚上的BC雄狮队(BC Lions)的比赛中,Bonnie Henry也现身球场观看比赛。
Vancouverites are sharing their thoughts on social media following the appearance.http://t.co/rIPWc0U1Va
— Vancouver Is Awesome (@VIAwesome) August 21, 2021
自拍的Bonnie Henry有点不自在
"The selfie thing was a bit disconcerting, to be honest," admitted Henry.http://t.co/2fsuSo4E6l
— Vancouver Is Awesome (@VIAwesome) August 21, 2021
CTV说:BC省卫生官员Bonnie Henry在BC省狮子队主场揭幕战中出人意料地出现了,并得到了人群的热烈掌声。
B.C.'s provincial health officer made a surprise appearance at Thursday's BC Lions home opener, and was met with enthusiastic applause from the crowd. http://t.co/zr7ATNMPm9
— CTV News Vancouver (@CTVVancouver) August 20, 2021
Dr. Bonnie Henry was @BCLion den tonight, and fans had lined up to take selfie. Greg was happy to be back at the CFL game.#BCLions 16 - #ELKS 21. pic.twitter.com/3AHcXUbUKe
— sherepunjabradio (@SherEPunjab600) August 20, 2021
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