#NewWest officers assaulted while arresting domestic assault suspect. http://t.co/c24756axXi pic.twitter.com/QqFI6LC1XE
— New Westminster Police Department (@NewWestPD) November 24, 2021
警方几分钟后在6th Street 700路段找到了嫌犯,之后嫌犯逃离现场,警员徒步追击。

嫌犯是一名 29 岁的新西敏居民,之后嫌犯被拘留,并被控以攻击、袭击警员造成身体伤害、妨碍警员等多项罪名。
新西敏警局的副警长Paul Hyland 描述的伤势更严重些,他表示警员被咬、被抓眼睛、有抓伤,脸上被吐血。
Stopping off at RCH Emerg to check on @NewWestPD members assulted by a male resisting arrest on a domestic violence matter. Members bitten, eye gouged, scratched and had blood spat in face. One member was telling doc about "last time" this happened to her...unreal and #notokay. pic.twitter.com/1DDUrLGUzT
— Paul Hyland (@DCCPaulHyland) November 24, 2021
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