(综合)据CBC News报道,温哥华沿岸卫生局表示,近日在社交媒体上有关北温狮门医院(Lions Gate Hospital)在24小时内发生十多起死产的谣言并不属实,散步谣言的人与狮门医院没有任何关系。

温哥华沿岸卫生局(VCH)已经注意到在社交媒体上散布的关于BC省北温狮门医院(Lions Gate Hospital)因孕妇接种新冠疫苗导致产下死胎的虚假信息,并于周二(11月23日)晚上在社交媒体发布的一系列推文中驳斥了虚假消息,断然否认这些传言。
1: There is no truth to this claim and the individuals spreading this false information have no affiliation to either LGH or VCH. There has been no notable change to the incidence of stillbirths in the VCH region throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) November 24, 2021
3: COVID-19 vaccines are safe and recommended for both mother and fetus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Nov. 19 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that implementing evidence-based COVID-19 prevention strategies...
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) November 24, 2021
5: Another study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine found no evidence of an increased risk for early pregnancy loss after COVID-19 vaccination. It adds to the findings from other research supporting COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) November 24, 2021
7: If you have any questions or concerns about getting a COVID-19 vaccine, please contact your family doctor or a nurse practitioner or visit the BCCDC website.http://t.co/2g8b5kadGO
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) November 24, 2021
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