报道:在BC省林木厅长卡卡特琳娜·康罗伊(Katrine Conroy)被撞受伤后,维多利亚市警方正在调查并寻求公众帮助。
警方表示本周二晚上晚上 8 点至晚上 8 点 30 分,康罗伊厅长省议会区散步时被一名身份不明的人撞倒在地。厅长受了非危及生命的伤害,后来到医院接受治疗。
(Katrine Conroy)
I'm very upset my friend Minister @KatrineConroy was knocked to the ground & hurt last night walking home from the Legislature. Kat's one of the toughest people I know & she'll continue working hard for people. I encourage any potential witnesses to please contact @VicPDCanada.
— John Horgan (@jjhorgan) December 9, 2021
This is awful! So sorry to hear about this @KatrineConroy please know that the Opposition Caucus sends you our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Terrible experience, thinking of you tonight If anyone has information about this violent attack please contact @vicpdcanada http://t.co/Vtj4tcJqOL
— Shirley Bond (@shirleybond) December 9, 2021
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