有1,042,861 名BC省人接受了第三剂加强剂。在过去24小时内有超过44,000人打了第三针。
Look at the lineup for booster shots at Vancouver Convention Centre and these people all have appointments! We’re reaching out to @VCHhealthcare to understand why the wait is +2 hours. pic.twitter.com/GjQblJXIuS
— Chris Gailus (@chrisgailus) January 6, 2022
WATCH/READ: Despite hours-long waits for booster appointments in Vancouver, and frustration with the invitation and booking system, B.C.'s health minister says the province's vaccine program has been and continues to be "exceptional" http://t.co/X39aDkEuzd pic.twitter.com/zLzijVQtzG
— CityNews Vancouver (@CityNewsVAN) January 7, 2022
CTV说,数百人被迫在温哥华会议中心排队等候数小时为了接种 COVID-19 疫苗。
Hundreds of people were forced to stand in line for hours to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot at the Vancouver Convention Centre Thursday. http://t.co/xCUHpXMmrR
— CTV News Vancouver (@CTVVancouver) January 7, 2022
Frustration mounts with huge lineups at Vancouver vaccine clinic | News http://t.co/YSkdGItJhc
— Celeste George (@cie1947) January 7, 2022

The lineup inside #Vancouver convention centre for booster is so long I can’t even see where it turns to come back the other way. I revise est there are likely 400 + in line now and I see@outside that lineup@goes all the way to Mahoneys at base of Burrard. Shout out to staff pic.twitter.com/blkNuvLsCE
— Dianna Lee (@Lee_Dianna) January 6, 2022
Got my invite after exactly 6 month on Xmas eve. I opted to go for a place easy to reach by public transport. Earliest date was today at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
— Democratic Gremlin (@Teelin) January 6, 2022
An interesting experience.
They are getting hundreds done per hour.
Long, winding, but fast moving lineups! pic.twitter.com/hl1wh86aia
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