(加西網綜合)周六,南太平洋島國湯加(Tonga)附近的一座海底火山大噴發,引發湯加附近發生 7.4 級地震,大浪也席卷了南太平洋島嶼的海岸。

Depictions of the eruption and its aftermath were picked up by weather satellites in the region.
— The Sunday Times (@thesundaytimes) January 15, 2022
The most spectacular - which also showed the outline of Australia more than 2,000 miles away - came from Himawari-8, operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency pic.twitter.com/A6gucJV492

1.14.2021: Large volcanic eruption near Tonga (Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano) today as seen from outer space. Shown on visible imagery using the Himawari satellite. #hiwx #tsunami #earthquake pic.twitter.com/zOTj6Qu1Wv
— NWSHonolulu (@NWSHonolulu) January 15, 2022
BC省當局於今天早上t 7:50 對北部海岸和海達瓜伊、中部海岸和溫哥華島東北部、溫哥華島外西海岸和胡安德富卡海峽沿岸發布了海嘯預警。
Latest update from the National Tsunami Warning Center shows no changes for #BC. Tsunami Advisory remains for Notification Zones A, B, C & D. Please continue to listen to local emergency officials for instructions & info specific to your area. #BCTsunamihttp://t.co/kuguWnbDdL
— Emergency Info BC (@EmergencyInfoBC) January 15, 2022
根據公告,預計海浪將於當地時間上午 8 點 30 分襲擊蘭加拉(Langara),隨後在上午 8 點 50 分左右到達托菲諾。
A Tsunami Advisory is in effect for #BC Notification Zones A, B, C & D. Learn more about your Notification Zone here: http://t.co/mnRcrXzGsf #BCTsunami pic.twitter.com/1hMpzyAWdU
— Emergency Info BC (@EmergencyInfoBC) January 15, 2022

Tsunamis arrive as a series of waves & the first may not be the biggest. Please avoid low-lying coastal areas, harbors & marinas where strong currents & unpredictable surges may occur. More info & impacted areas: http://t.co/XKSyA326cV. #BCTsunamihttp://t.co/djw4KiBJsZ
— Emergency Info BC (@EmergencyInfoBC) January 15, 2022
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