报道:温哥华警方公布了一起陌生人遭无端袭击的视频。上周六,一名 25 岁的男子被刺伤送院,危及生命。
#VPDNews: Vancouver Police have released video of another unprovoked stranger attack, which sent a 25-year-old man to hospital Saturday with life-threatening stab wounds.
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) January 24, 2022
Anyone with information is asked to call investigators at 604-717-2541.
Read more: http://t.co/Sz9UuBhId5 pic.twitter.com/peDyrODqPh
事情发生在上周六早上 6 点 20 分左右,在市中心Harbour Centre 的Tim Hortons店中,正在排队等候时,嫌疑人从后面走近并反复刺伤他的背部和肩膀,然后跑出商店。
警方的Steve Addison中士表示警方越来越担心公众的安全,他称:“这一令人不安的事件具有完全没有警告的随机攻击的所有特征”。
嫌犯还戴着一个带有Crooks and Castles标志的口罩,背着一个黑白相间的背包。
去年,12 月 31 日下午 3 时 30 分左右,一名22岁的女子在乔治亚酒店门前的西乔治亚街上行走时,突然被一名朝相反方向行走的男子抓住,对她进行了袭击。
#VPDNews: Vancouver Police have released security video of an unsolved attack on a woman on New Year’s Eve, and ask anyone who can identify the suspect to come forward.
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) January 19, 2022
Read more: http://t.co/ahn7OFcvZM pic.twitter.com/zE8V29xAsz
Over the last few months, we've noticed what appears to be an uptick in unprovoked stranger attacks, so we asked our strategic researchers to take a deep dive into the numbers.
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) October 20, 2021
What they found is concerning: over four people a day are the target of a random, unprovoked assault.
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