Millions of people don't trust Boris anymore. pic.twitter.com/HfUFldGG00
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) January 25, 2022
丹麦总理Mette Frederikse预计将在明天周三的新闻发布会上宣布月底取消所有新冠限制。
加拿大总理杜鲁多日理万机,一年休假78天,一大早就忙着推特带货:去接种疫苗,去打加强针。 是时候了。
Get vaccinated, and get boosted. It’s time.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 25, 2022
阿尔伯塔省保守党省长Jason Kenney上周呼吁联邦暂停强制疫苗令,并于周一在Twitter上发布了超市货架空空的照片,呼吁美国和加拿大联邦政府“立即采取行动”。
“这正在变成一场危机,”Jason Kenney在推特上写道。
I’m getting pictures like this from grocery stores across Alberta this morning.
— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) January 24, 2022
This is turning into a crisis. It requires immediate action by the Canadian & US governments. pic.twitter.com/nEmbSgX2BU
今天早上,我正在与美国的州长们通电话,他们与我有同样的担忧。我们正在起草一封给总统和总理的联名信,敦促他们运用常识,结束让数以千计的卡车离开道路的政策。Jason Kenney说。
萨省的保守党主席Kevin Waugh发推说:我支持当地的卡车司机组成自由卡车司机车队(Freedom Convoy),在萨省上路开往渥太华参加历史性的抗议集会。 对他们来说,这本不应该出现的情况。
I supported our local truck drivers as they hit the road in Saskatoon today. It should have never come to this for them.
— Kevin Waugh (@KevinWaugh_CPC) January 25, 2022
Safe travels and I will see all of you folks in Ottawa!#westandwithtruckers #ThankATrucker #freedomrally pic.twitter.com/CYJlz6dKnc
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