根据社交媒体上流传的报道,今天周六(2 月 5 日)可能会有一个大型卡车车队前往温哥华市中心举行抗议活动。
周六,进入 温哥华市中心的反疫苗强制抗议者,遭到了支持医护人员的反抗议者在各个路口的拦截。
之后双方主要聚集在 Robson St. 和 Burrard St. 的交叉口,示威者挥舞着标语并大喊不同意当前的 COVID-19 疫苗方案。
The other side of the equation as freedom convoy protestors assemble on Burrard St. Numbers look to be in the hundreds. @CityNewsVAN pic.twitter.com/bTGRU8o4FF
— Michael Williams (@MikeWillsTake) February 5, 2022
Intense clashes lead to counter protesters nearly getting run over#FreedomConvoyCanada2022 pic.twitter.com/gVhqpaaM9g
— Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) February 5, 2022
#Vancouver blocks #FreedomConvoy2022 at Terminal ave! pic.twitter.com/WQngWVQrM4
— Aaron Pettman (@AaronPettman) February 5, 2022
哇 开车推人!
This sign is awesome. And having a T-Rex behind it is the icing pic.twitter.com/7SO6eGmUou
— Sterling Jack ❤️ (@ian_ian11) February 5, 2022
Current stand-off between convoy and counter-protesters on Terminal east of Main pic.twitter.com/bKDa6Mlp5F
— Frances Bula (@fabulavancouver) February 5, 2022
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