渥太华市长宣布全市进入紧急状态后,政府放绝招,渥太华警方将Freedom Convoy自由车队卡车停车场内的取暖和热饮用的所有燃料和丙烷全部搜走。
Ottawa police have removed all fuel and propane from Freedom Convoy truck parking lot pic.twitter.com/oJDaceHHlo
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) February 7, 2022
🇨🇦 Deze Sikh familie kwam gisteren naar Ottawa om op te komen voor vrijheid en rechten!!🔥 pic.twitter.com/gl0FMJceo7
— Kees71 (@Kees71234) January 30, 2022
"We have increased ability to identify and target protesters and supporters of protesters," Ottawa police say, adding that they're gathering "financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver ID" & more. "Our goal is to end the demonstration." pic.twitter.com/DqpZPbabsO
— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) February 7, 2022
Police can commit theft and not be held lawfully accountable? Police have already determined truckers are criminals by stating they have the right to take fuel for aiding and abetting “criminal”. Guess now they are judge and jury 🤔. #TruckersForFreedom2022 #FreedomConvoy pic.twitter.com/NdKuJ88Z9g
— No Truckers No Freedom (@NoTrucks_NoFood) February 7, 2022
Fox新闻三位一哥一姐Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson和Laura Ingraham破天荒的同时对加拿大卡车司机的抗议火力全开的支持他们,他们的观众总数一度超过11.5 万人。
而加拿大媒体Rebel News的负责人Ezra上Fox的电视访谈,揭露加拿大卡车运动真相。
25. Yesterday alone our team must have done ten foreign interviews. I was on Tucker Carlson; our young reporter @lincolnmjay was on Hannity (I'll have to find that clip). Those two shows are, what, 8 million views? pic.twitter.com/9S0lnpjLJS
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) February 8, 2022
Ottawa Police: "Don't give the fuel to Freedom Convoy or you'll be arrested."
— RealMac (@beingrealmac) February 7, 2022
People are on their way with empty Jerry Cans to troll police and mayor of Ottawa. pic.twitter.com/6SDx53l8iX
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