
今天当地时间凌晨1点左右,哈利法克斯联合救援协调中心收到一艘渔船的求救信息,位置大约在圣约翰(St. John's)以东约460公里处。
Just after midnight, JRCC was advised of an EPIRB signal from a fishing vessel, approximately 250NM east of St. John’s NL. A CH149 Cormorant Helicopter, a C130 Hercules Aircraft, the CCGS Cygnus and multiple Vessels of Opportunity were tasked to assist.
— HfxJRCC_CCCOS (@hfxjrcc) February 15, 2022
搜救中心派出了一架 CH149直升机、一架 C130 大力神飞机、海岸警卫队的CCGS Cygnus渔业巡逻船以及多艘船只进行救援。
The fishing vessel has not been found. Searchers have found 3 survivors in a life raft and regrettably the remains of 4 others.
— HfxJRCC_CCCOS (@hfxjrcc) February 15, 2022
搜救人员首先在一个救生筏上找到了 3 名幸存者,以及另外 4 人的遗体。
As of early this afternoon, searchers have recovered 3 additional deceased individuals. The search continues for the remaining crew.
— HfxJRCC_CCCOS (@hfxjrcc) February 15, 2022
Regrettably, JRCC Hfx can confirm that an additional 3 deceased individuals have been recovered from the sunken fishing vessel. Our thoughts go out to all the families of this crew.
— HfxJRCC_CCCOS (@hfxjrcc) February 15, 2022
四个小时前,搜救人员在沉没的渔船上又找到了 3 名死者。
Aerial video of the Search conditions on the Grand Banks, NL. 1/3 @RCAF_ARC @RCAF Operations @CFOperations @CoastGuardCAN pic.twitter.com/ujH3INV17T
— HfxJRCC_CCCOS (@hfxjrcc) February 16, 2022
救援协调中心的发言人布莱恩.欧文斯表示搜索小组正在与艰难的海况作斗争,该地区正在经历每小时 74 公里的风速和 5.5 米的海浪。此外能见度因大雾而降低。
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