总理就2022年冬奥会闭幕发表声明Statement by the Prime Minister on the closing of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games 2022年2月20日 安大略渥太华 总理办公室
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the closing of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. "从2月4日至20日,215名运动员代表加拿大参加了2022年冬季奥运会,并以他们的勤奋、决心和体育精神向世界彰显了加拿大人的最佳风貌。今天,我们欢迎他们凯旋归来并向他们的成就表达致敬。
“From February 4 to 20, 215 athletes represented Canada in the 2022 Olympic Winter Games and displayed to the world the very best of what it means to be Canadian with their hard work, determination, and sportsmanship. Today, we welcome them home and salute their achievements.
“As we celebrate our Olympians and their 26 medals, let us also recognize the years of training, sacrifice, and perseverance it took them to get this far and the many challenges they’ve had to overcome, including the COVID-19 pandemic. With courage and dedication, all members of Team Canada delivered incredible performances at this year’s Games, inspiring Canadians of all ages.
“Team Canada also made history this year by being the most gender-balanced team ever to represent our country at the Winter Olympic Games – with a total of 106 women and 109 men.
"今天,长道速滑运动员和三枚奖牌得主伊莎贝尔·魏德曼(Isabelle Weidemann)将高举加拿大国旗,在闭幕式上引领我们的奥运团队。在3月4日开始的2022年冬季残奥会上,我们期待着再次团结一心,为我们的运动员加油。
“Today, long-track speed skater and triple medal winner Isabelle Weidemann will lead our Olympic Team and wave the Canadian flag at the Closing Ceremony. We look forward to rallying behind our athletes once again for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games, beginning on March 4.
“On behalf of all Canadians, I congratulate our Olympic athletes – as well as their families, coaches, and support staff – for representing Canada’s spirit, resilience, and determination at this year’s Games. You made us proud.”
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