Vancouver City Hall and Burrard Street Bridge light up in support of war-stricken Ukraine (PHOTOS) http://t.co/6fE1ijD6rl pic.twitter.com/5ERHT3Gbio
— North Shore News (@NorthShoreNews) February 25, 2022
温哥华市官方账号说:从今晚开始Vancouver City Hall 和 Burrard Bridge 将亮起蓝色和黄色,以支持和声援自1944 年以来我们姐妹城市Odessa的公民和乌克兰人民。
Starting tonight #Vancouver City Hall and Burrard Bridge will light up blue and yellow in support and solidarity with the citizens of our sister city since 1944, Odessa, and the people of #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/ntRkcUKxLu
— City of Vancouver (@CityofVancouver) February 25, 2022
Vancouver的Burrard 大桥亮起蓝色和黄色,以支持其姊妹城市之一的乌克兰Odessa市。
The Burrard Bridge in #Vancouver is lit in blue and yellow in support of Odessa, one of its sister cities. pic.twitter.com/VwhK97Ua9M
— Brendan Kergin (@BKergin) February 25, 2022
·生活百科 任何具有较长寿命的回火阀....
·生活百科 聪明的户外吊扇