
(加西網綜合)溫哥華, 這是怎麼啦?
溫哥華警方正在調查在家庭日長周末期間發生的高達 60 起的襲擊事件,其中 22 起可能是”陌生人無端襲擊“事件。
警方將“陌生人無端襲擊”事件定義為襲擊者和受害者之前沒有關系,最初的短暫互動持續 15 秒,並且考慮到當時的情況,這種襲擊是不合理的事件。
The #VPD has made significant progress with investigations into the large number of unprovoked stranger attacks. Still, violence remains a problem. #VPD is investigating 60 assaults over the #FamilyDay long weekend with 22 cases being investigated as possible stranger assaults.
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) February 22, 2022
當天晚上 8 點 15 分,一對夫婦在 Crosstown 小學附近散步,一名嫌疑人突然猛擊男子的頭部。嫌疑人是一名白人男子,5 英尺 9 歲,28-25 歲,光頭,身材魁梧。
#VPDscanner: #VPD investigating unprovoked assault on a man & women near Andy Livingston Park Monday. Couple was walking near Crosstown Elementary at 8:15 p.m. when suspect punched the man in the head. Suspect is a white man, 5’9, 28-25 yrs with shaved head and stocky build. pic.twitter.com/BVPqOdIurB
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) February 22, 2022
On Friday afternoon, a woman entered a grocery store on Richards that she had previously been banned from. When asked to leave by the manager she threw a flower pot at him. She left, but later returned and threatened to pepper spray him. She was located and charged by #VPD.
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) February 22, 2022
周六清晨,兩名男子在 Smithe 和 Granville 街附近發生爭執,隨後演變成斗毆,據稱一名男子多次刺傷另一名男子。被刺傷的受害者被送往醫院,襲擊者被捕。

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