(九爱加拿大网综合)还记得去年抖音( TikTok )一段引起网友轰动的BC省视频,一位小姐姐空中投喂食物,也让BC省灰熊”Boo“成了网红。
近日,生活在BC省一个滑雪度假村的灰熊”Boo“已经从雪地里探出头来,它从冬眠中醒来,迎来了它熊生的第 20 个春天。
踢马山度假村(Kicking Horse)占地 20 英亩熊只避难所的监控摄像头捕捉到这只名叫“Boo “从冬眠中醒来,首次在2022 年的亮相。

Boo has finally joined us for the new year!
— Kicking Horse Mountain Resort (@KickingHorseMtn) March 21, 2022
We were extremely fortunate to capture Boo’s 20th emergence from his den!
We ask that all guests please stay quiet when going over the enclosure in the gondola and when skiing by the Bear Refuge on Lower Wiley Coyote. pic.twitter.com/TDSJLN6XHz

Happy Birthday to this big guy!!
— Kicking Horse Mountain Resort (@KickingHorseMtn) February 6, 2022
This winter, Boo is turning 20 years old 🐻🥳
It has been a pleasure to watch Boo grow over the years and we feel incredibly fortunate to have him part of the Kicking Horse family 🤎 See you in the spring, Boo! pic.twitter.com/YusPwwzNwk
这个收留熊只的避难所位于BC省戈尔登郊外。在滑雪胜地的边界内,夏天到这个度假村游玩的客人都有机会山腰的自然栖息地看到 Boo。
踢马山度假村的滑雪季节计划于 4 月中旬结束。
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