
昨天,總理賈斯汀·特魯多(Justin Trudeau)按計劃訪問溫哥華,大溫“自由車隊“也集結趕到溫哥華市中心”“迎接”他。
Young people are passionate about building a clean future. That was pretty clear today, when we sat down with some students from Vancouver’s David Thompson Secondary School – thanks for inviting this former substitute teacher back, and thanks for your questions and ideas! pic.twitter.com/skEgxucwTt
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 30, 2022
Sergiy and Irina came to Canada from Ukraine ten years ago and, not long after, opened Kozak Ukrainian Eatery. Now, they’re accepting donations to help Ukrainians back home – I stopped by today to thank them and their team, and to let them know that Canada stands with Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/SaH1wDrWX9
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 30, 2022
特魯多在溫哥華市中心費爾蒙酒店舉行的自由黨籌款活動中,談到了加拿大啟動碳減排計劃,呼吁石油和天然氣部門到 2030 年將排放量減少 42%,該計劃已於周二提交下議院。
昨天周二晚上,一大群反特魯多抗議者聚集在市中心的溫哥華費爾蒙酒店外,吹響喇叭,舉著“F*ck Trudeau”的標語。
截至周二晚上 6 點,抗議者封鎖了市中心 Burrard 街向北的右車道。一些抗議者湧到馬路上。
Something called the “Honk Bus” just showed up at the anti-Trudeau protest in downtown Vancouver and people are losing their minds. pic.twitter.com/lsW1FoQFXI
— Darcy Matheson (@darcynews) March 30, 2022
一些標語也反映抗議者各自的目的,包括暗示特魯多侵犯了人權其他標語正在提及 WE Charity 丑聞。
一些抗議者也表達了反對新冠疫苗,標語上寫著 COVID-19 的存活率為 99.7%,“為什麼要使用實驗性的疫苗?”
The anti-Trudeau have posted up in front of Hotel Vancouver. Lots of air horns and Fuck Trudeau signage. pic.twitter.com/zbTXQmmhCI
— Darcy Matheson (@darcynews) March 30, 2022
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