
(九爱加拿大網綜合)今天又是西方傳統的愚人節—今年 4 月 1 日的惡作劇似乎也沒有讓人失望。
The mythical two-headed, eight-legged mule deer is only seen once a year in Jasper National Park, on April 1st.
— Jasper National Park (@JasperNP) April 1, 2022
📸 A rare sighting shared by elaurel87 on Instagram! pic.twitter.com/NCrdVNyLYE
The elusive ‘belk’ finally found in Banff National Park! 😲
— Banff National Park (@BanffNP) April 1, 2022
After years of rumours and stories, Parks Canada staff captured this image of the stunning and elusive mammal in the Banff National Park backcountry.
Learn how to view wildlife safely: http://t.co/Bz5DGaEk0G pic.twitter.com/RSIAkVYQ3s
The Barge in English Bay on Í7iy̓el̓shn beach has been purchased by @VancityReynolds and @blakelively. The details of the sale haven’t been made public, but in a tweet Ryan Reynolds said, “Since I was a young boy, I’ve always dreamed of putting my Aviation brand on a boat”. pic.twitter.com/Mcwokpcp9v
— 102.7 THE PEAK (@THEPEAK) April 1, 2022
連鎖餐廳 White Spot也有這個網紅駁船開玩笑。
Introducing the BARGE PAK! ⚓
— White Spot (@White_Spot) April 1, 2022
Why head to the Barge Chilling Beach when it can come to you! In news of its planned dismantle, the infamous Barge will live on at White Spot as a Barge-themed Pirate Pak!
Available for ALL ages, at all locations. While quantities last! #WhiteSpot pic.twitter.com/I4N16R24fM
另一家餐廳Cactus Club 也跟上。
在 Instagram 查看這篇帖子
在 Instagram 查看這篇帖子
今天4 月 1 日,大溫地區皇家騎警分隊似乎也想贏得哈利波特迷的支持,大肆宣傳他們新的“隱形斗篷技術”的戰車。
Ridge Meadows 皇家騎警在推文中表示,新警車看起來和傳統警車相似,但貼花更透明,一般人看不到。
Ridge Meadows RCMP launch invisibility cloaking technology. Read our release here; http://t.co/hA2heFcIgt pic.twitter.com/DdeNlwN0Be
— Ridge Meadows RCMP (@RidgeRCMP) April 1, 2022
其中包括一名溫哥華島 26 歲原住民女子在新不倫瑞克省健康檢查時被警察槍殺。
另外,楓樹嶺精神病患者 Kyaw Din 被加拿大皇家騎警槍殺致死的槍擊案也引發了調查。
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