
今天周四有7个渡轮由于机械故障被迫取消,其中Horseshoe Bay 和 Nanaimo 之间的航班受影响最大,主要因为橡树湾皇后号的舵机出现机械问题,这艘船可以运输 300 多辆汽车和近 1,500 名乘客和船员。
马蹄湾到纳奈莫:早上 6 点 15 分,上午 10点 40分,下午 5 点 05 分
纳奈莫到马蹄湾:早上 8 点 25 分,下午 1点
马蹄湾到兰代尔:下午 2 点 40 分
兰代尔到马蹄湾:下午 3 点 50 分
#ServiceNotice #DepartureBay - #HorseshoeBay #QueenofOakBay The following sailings have been cancelled due to a mechanical issue:
— BC Ferries | Reconnecting BC (@BCFerries) April 14, 2022
6:15am ex Horseshoe Bay
8:25am ex Departure Bay
10:40am ex Horseshoe Bay
1:00pm ex Departure Bay
Full details here: http://t.co/jLGVyeYPoE
#ServiceNotice #HorseshoeBay #DepartureBay #QueenofOakBay the following sailings on April 20 & 21 have been cancelled due to a crewing issue: 8:05 pm ex Horseshoe Bay 10:10 pm ex Departure Bay Full details here: http://t.co/v4UWix27W1 ^ajb
— BC Ferries | Reconnecting BC (@BCFerries) April 14, 2022
根据 CTV 新闻,周三晚上,这艘渡轮已经因类由于转向问题,在出发湾外漂流了大约 10 分钟,最后由拖船拉回码头。原定于晚上 9 点 45 分到达纳奈莫,但直到凌晨 1 点左右才能停靠码头。
BC渡轮表示,受影响渡轮的预订费和已支付的票价将全额退还,并敦促乘客使用 Tsawwassen 到 Swartz Bay 的路线和 Tsawwassen 到 Duke Point 的渡轮作为替代选择。
— BC Ferries | Reconnecting BC (@BCFerries) April 14, 2022
Tomorrow & Friday will be busy days for travel from #HorseshoeBay. If you're driving on board w/out a booking we recommend travel on Friday evening or on Saturday to avoid waits. Space is available for foot passengers on all sailings from Horseshoe Bay. ^lo pic.twitter.com/B3Ej0G2j0Y
·生活百科 太阳电荷控制器上的气流方向
·生活百科 布里斯班新构建所需的V2H / V2G帮助