Rain Pacific St North End Burrard Street Bridge. 1100 am Vancouver #yvr #BCstorm #Vancouver #ShareYourWeather #yvrwx #Downtown #Friday pic.twitter.com/eOKPEPzDu0
— Dennis Parkinson 🇨🇦🇺🇦 (@DennVan) June 3, 2022
Friday's rainfall led to some flooded roads across parts of Metro Vancouver, with many drivers reporting chaotic conditions. http://t.co/ExGk7Sb0Fn
— CityNews Vancouver (@CityNewsVAN) June 3, 2022
Happening now on the causeway @chrisgailus @JanetBrown980 @TrishJewison @CityNewsVAN pic.twitter.com/Ub91RJtAAd
— Steve in tha 604 🇺🇦 (@TheNextTrainIs) June 3, 2022
“整个立交桥都被淹了,像一个小湖,”住在高层 4 号出口附近的Shelley说,“最好走另一条路……否则一定要慢开,路上有很多水。”
Just a little rain here in Yaletown #Junuary #Vancouver #bcstorm @MMadryga @YvonneSchalle pic.twitter.com/JVsLhMF1VM
— Kevin Skipworth (@kevinskipworth) June 3, 2022
北温的疯狂下雨。 今天全省的局部疯狂降雨可能导致局部洪水并影响河流水域。
Crazy rain in North Van right now. Localized insane rainfall rates today across all of the province could cause localized flooding and impact the rivers and streams. Stay tuned to @BC1 @GlobalBC over the next few days! We are on flood watch. pic.twitter.com/taFFrnxgDj
— Kristi Gordon (@KGordonGlobalBC) June 3, 2022
Look out for pooling water. This is how it looks at Cambie and Broadway in Vancouver. #bcstorm @CityNewsVAN @CityNewsTraffic pic.twitter.com/daKV9lWTY1
— John Ackermann (@jackermann) June 3, 2022
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