
温哥华卫生当局于今天周四下午发出通知,在7月4日至20日期间在Araxi Restaurant + Oyster Bar和Il Caminetto用餐的顾客,可能已经接触到甲肝病毒。
Vancouver Coastal Health is notifying people who dined at Araxi Restaurant + Oyster Bar or at Il Caminetto in Whistler about a possible exposure to hepatitis A from July 4 to July 20.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) July 28, 2022
For more information: http://t.co/JmRKDpzTSd pic.twitter.com/kZ25rY6adt
其中Araxi Restaurant + Oyster Bar的地址是:110-4222 Village Square
Lobster + Matane Shrimp Sushi Roll: lobster and shrimp with yuzu mayonnaise, wrapped in nori and sushi rice, avocado and sesame seeds.#CelebrateAraxi pic.twitter.com/bV1VRBYHAW
— Araxi (@araxirestaurant) July 14, 2022
Il Caminetto的地址:4242 Village Stroll, Whistler,
“I’m making things I’d made in Italy — simple but focused,” James Walt, @thevancouversun
— Il Caminetto (@IlCaminettoWhis) July 26, 2022
Click the link in our bio to dine with us! #IlCaminetto pic.twitter.com/adEV1X1ZNG
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