加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻一大批超速摄像机进入华人聚居区:这些地方最危险


安全驾驶对每个人来说都很重要,打击超速驾驶现在已经不单单是警察的任务了,在多伦多的大街小巷布满了超速摄像机,24小时监控超速驾驶。多伦多最新一轮超速摄像机布置地点已经公布,其中很多超速摄像机布置在华人聚居区,包括Finch Ave. E.北侧的Sandhurst Circle (Scarborough North)、靠近2300 Pharmacy Ave.的Pharmacy Ave. (Scarborough-Agincourt)、Freshmeadow Dr. 南侧的Don Mills Rd. (Don Valley North)、靠近Manorcrest Dr.的Finch Ave. E. (Willowdale)等。


根据本周公布的数据,多伦多通过超速摄像机4月份发出了34,152张罚单,5月份发出了20,052张罚单。多伦多市每月轮换放置自动超速执法 (ASE) 摄像头,该计划打击了数以万计的超速司机。



超速摄像机每隔几个月就会移动一次,在最近一轮中,Algonquin Avenue以南的 Parkside Drive (Parkdale-High Park) 和Burnhamthorpe Road以北的Mill Road (Etobicoke Centre) 的位置是司机被罚款最多的地方。




Antrim Cres. near 11 Antrim Cres. (Scarborough Centre)

Brant St. south of Adelaide St. W. (Spadina-Fort York)

Brenyon Way near 200 Brenyon Way (Scarborough-Rouge Park)

Carlton St. near Homewood Ave. (Toronto Centre)

Churchill Ave. west of Abbotsford Rd. (Willowdale)

Corvette Ave. near Cleta Dr. (Scarborough Southwest)

Cosburn Ave. near Roosevelt Rd. (Toronto-Danforth)

Danforth Ave. east of Birchmount Rd. (Scarborough Southwest)

Denison Ave. south of Grange Ave. (Spadina-Fort York)

Don Mills Rd. south of Freshmeadow Dr. (Don Valley North)

The Donway E. north of Greenland Rd. (Don Valley East)

The Donway W. near Duncairn Rd. (Don Valley East)

Dufferin St. north of Stanstead Dr. (York Centre)

Dufferin St. south of Claver Ave. (Eglinton-Lawrence)

Dufferin St. south of Dufferin Park Ave. (Davenport)

Dunmurray Blvd. near Groomsport Cres. (Scarborough-Agincourt)

The East Mall south of Faludon Court (Etobicoke-Lakeshore)

Finch Ave. E. near Manorcrest Dr. (Willowdale)

Galloway Rd. near Coronation Dr. (Scarborough-Guildwood)

Gary Dr. near Deerhurst Ave. (York South-Weston)

Kingston Rd. near Glen Manor Dr. (Beaches-East York)

Manning Ave. south of Lennox St. (University-Rosedale)

Martin Grove Rd. north of Rampart Rd. (Etobicoke North)

McNicoll Ave. near Sexton Cres. (Don Valley North)

Mill Rd. north of Burnhamthorpe Rd. (Etobicoke Centre)

Morningside Ave. near Warnsworth St. (Scarborough-Guildwood)

O'Connor Dr. West of Lankin Blvd. (Toronto-Danforth)

Old Finch Ave. west of Littles Rd. (Scarborough-Rouge Park)

Orfus Rd. west of Dufferin St. (Eglinton-Lawrence)

Ourland Ave. near Merriday St. (Etobicoke-Lakeshore)

Park Lane Circle near 60 Park Lane Circle (Don Valley West)

Parkside Dr. south of Algonquin Ave. (Parkdale-High Park)

Pharmacy Ave. near 2300 Pharmacy Ave. (Scarborough-Agincourt)

Pharmacy Ave. north of Sherwood Ave. (Scarborough Centre)

Redgrave Dr. west of Martin Grove Rd. (Etobicoke North)

Rogers Rd. near 382 Rogers Rd. (Davenport)

Royal York Rd. north of La Rose Ave. (Etobicoke Centre)

Runnymede Rd. north of Colbeck St. (Parkdale-High Park)

Sandhurst Circle north of Finch Ave. E. (Scarborough North)

Seasons Dr. east of Oasis Blvd. (Scarborough North)

Scarlett Rd. south of Ellins Ave. (York South-Weston)

Shuter St. east of Sackville St. (Toronto Centre)

Spadina Ave. south of Bloor St. W. (University-Rosedale)

Spenvalley Dr. near Whitbread Cres. (Humber River-Black Creek)

St. Clair Ave. E. west of Marilyn Cres. (Beaches-East York)

St. Clair Ave. W. near Crang Ave. (Toronto-St. Pauls)

Stilecroft Dr. west of Sharpecroft Blvd. (York Centre)

Warren Rd. north of Lonsdale Rd. (Toronto-St. Pauls)

Weston Rd. near Coronado Court (Humber River-Black Creek)

York Mills Rd. west of Banbury Rd. (Don Valley West)

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