加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Is this a AR2 letter?
Dear fellows, I received the following e-mail, I am not sure if it is the AR2 letter because the following: 1) I checked form CIC website, it only shown AR1 (2011/August/XX). 2) The first paragraph of the e-mail: (it said " ..... received by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2011/November/XX" instead of Consulate General of Canada , however,the foote note shown "Consulate General of Canada" Here is the e-mail, to make it short, I put "xxxxxxx" instead of putting the whole paragraph: Dear XXX, This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2011/11/XX. (........ Some paragraphs, general information only ........) Consulate General of CanadaVisa Section G.P.O. Box 11142Hong Kong China (PRC)www.hongkong.gc.cawww.cic.gc.ca
回复: Is this a AR2 letter?是的。我敢肯定!
好好学习,天天向上!回复: Is this a AR2 letter?Oh, really!Finally HKG AR.....I e-mail HKG few days ago and they replied me that my application still in Mississauga.....so happy now, Thanks GOD ~
回复: Is this a AR2 letter?请问你是几月份DM的?
回复: Is this a AR2 letter?请问你是几月份DM的?点击展开...[FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]是10[/FONT][FONT=宋体]月份的[/FONT]DM1[FONT=宋体].[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]网上到现在仍然是[/FONT]Mississauga[FONT=宋体]的[/FONT]AR, [FONT=宋体]所以才不敢确定这到底是不是香港的[/FONT]AR… [/FONT][/FONT]
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