加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作签证 - 移民部放宽工作签证政策以鼓励留学


[FONT=宋体]移民部网站[/FONT]2008[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]21[FONT=宋体]日温哥华讯(题目:政府调整工作签证政策,使加拿大对技术人士更具吸引力):移民部长范茵莉今天宣布,对已学完规定课程、毕业于中高等教育学习的国外留学生的工作签证进行政策调整,使加拿大更容易吸引留学生。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]立即生效的这一新政策将会首次使留学生根据目前的“毕业后工作签证项目”获得一个开放的工作签证而没有工作类型及就业聘任书的限制。此外,工作签证的有效期将不分省份,均扩展到三年。此前的留学生工作签证根据所处省份由一年至两年不等。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]“加拿大政府需要更多的留学生选择加拿大,我们希望帮助他们成功,”范茵莉说。“开放式、更长期工作签证能提供留学生更多的在加拿大工作经验及技能发展的机会。这反过来将有助于(留学生)选择加拿大作为他们的定居地,帮助我们留住正在加拿大学习的留学生。”[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]通过延长工作签证、提高灵活性,毕业后工作签证项目将会使留学生及雇主双方受益,因为该项目将帮助留学生得到重要的、适合劳动力市场需求的工作机会。从长远看,留学生获得的专业经验也将帮助他们符合永久性居留加拿大的条件要求,从而使加拿大获得利益。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]“鉴于我们正在酝酿执行新增的‘加拿大经验类’移民,这些政策修改将会有助于我们建立一个人才库,从而使这些有工作经验的个人发现加拿大移民申请更加容易,”范茵莉接着说。“我们有能力留住那些有加拿大证书、有加拿大工作经验、熟悉加拿大社会的留学生,从整体上将会提高我们的国际竞争力、使加拿大受益。”[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]根据毕业后工作签证项目,学完符合条件的课程、毕业于中高等院校的留学生可获得有宝贵的加拿大工作经验。[/FONT]2007[FONT=宋体]年的数据初步显示本年度加拿大有[/FONT]63673[FONT=宋体]名留学生,比去年同期长涨[/FONT]4.6%[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT] 以下为CIC网站英文原文:Government of Canada introduces changes to work permits for international students, making Canada more attractive for skilled individuals Vancouver, April 21, 2008 ― The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced changes to work permits for international students who graduate from eligible programs at certain Canadian post-secondary institutions, making it easier to attract foreign students to Canada. Effective immediately, and for the first time, these international students would be able to obtain an open work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, with no restrictions on the type of employment and no requirement for a job offer. In addition, the duration of the work permit has been extended to three years across the country. Previously, the program only allowed international students to work for one or two years, depending on location. “The Government of Canada wants more foreign students to choose Canada and we want to help them succeed,” said Minister Finley. “Open and longer work permits provide international students with more opportunities for Canadian work experience and skills development. This will, in turn, help make Canada a destination of choice, and help us keep international students already studying in Canada.” The increased flexibility offered by the expanded program will benefit graduates and employers alike as the program will help international students get important work experience while responding to Canada’s labour market needs. Canada will benefit in the long run as the professional experience gained will help graduates meet the requirements to stay permanently in Canada. “As we move toward the implementation of the Canadian Experience Class, these changes will help create a pool of individuals who, with work experience, will find it easier to apply to immigrate to Canada,” added Minister Finley. “Our ability to retain international graduates with Canadian qualifications, work experience and familiarity with Canadian society, will help increase our competitiveness and benefit Canada as a whole.” The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program allows students who have graduated from an eligible program at a post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience. Preliminary 2007 data indicate that 63,673 international students came to Canada that year, representing a 4.6 percent increase over the previous year.

美加金联出国咨询――专业办理加拿大移民,加拿大投资移民以及加拿大技术移民。公安部、北京因私出入境协会认证的权威机构。移民行业中唯一通过IS9001国际质量体系认证单位。全国免费咨询热线:“400-610-6008”回复: 移民部放宽工作签证政策以鼓励留学生移民又一条途径,不如出去留学算了,呵呵。

回复: 移民部放宽工作签证政策以鼓励留学生移民又一条途径,不如出去留学算了,呵呵。点击展开...如果符合留学的条件,而经济条件又允许的话,先留学后移民还真是个不错的选择。

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