Dear XXXXXX,Your file number is [FONT=黑体] [/FONT][FONT=黑体]B049XXXXXX[/FONT] This letter acknowledges the receipt of your application for permanent residence and the payment of your processing fees at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing. It also explains the application procedures and gives information on what you can do to prepare yourself for immigration to Canada while your case is in process. Your application has been accepted as part of the Simplified Application Process in the Federal Skilled Worker Class on 09-11-2006. For more information regarding the Simplified Application Process please refer to the Citizenship and Immigration website: www.cic.gc.ca. We have created a file with the number noted above. You must quote your file number in any future correspondence. A copy of your processing fee receipt has been retained on your file. If you submitted additional supporting documents, these are being returned to you and are enclosed. We will request supporting documents at a later date.At the present time we regret that there is a queue of applications in this category and that no processing will occur on your file for approximately 48-54 months. This is only our current estimate and circumstances may change. Please consult the CIC website for up-to-date information on processing times at our office: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/times-int/menu-perm.html. You may also check your case status on-line at the Citizenship and Immigration website using the [FONT=宋体]??[/FONT]-Client Application Status[FONT=宋体]?[/FONT]?function that is found in the [FONT=宋体]??[/FONT]nline Services[FONT=宋体]?[/FONT]?section of the website: http://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/ECAS.jsp If you wish to withdraw your application prior to assessment, then you may obtain a full refund of fees paid. Once documents have been requested and the assessment of your application has begun, no processing fee refund is available. What Happens Next?When our office is ready to assess your file, we will send you a list of required documents. You will be provided with 4 months to prepare and submit this documentation. For a list of documents currently requested please refer to our website: http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/documents/simplified%20application%20document%20list.pdf. This will provide you an indication of the types of documents that we may request. Do not send these documents now. If you send these documents now, they will be returned to you.When it does come time to submit supporting documents, we request that they be submitted together, in a single package. A visa officer will make a decision on your case on the basis of the documents you provide at that time. If you have not included all of the requested documents, the visa officer may not approve your application. Until we request your supporting documents, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, except: Change of address or contact information, including change of e-mail address Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources Development Canada. Please ensure that when sending any of this information, that it is clearly marked with your file number and note that it is not necessary to inform us of changes in your family composition. While your application is in process, we strongly recommend that you begin to prepare yourself for immigration to Canada. You should learn about living and working in Canada so you can decide where to live and prepare yourself and your family for life in Canada. You should be aware that Canada has two official languages, English and French. Depending on where you want to live in Canada, you will need excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in one of these languages. If you do not have strong English or French skills, we suggest that you study the language before coming to Canada and learn the vocabulary of your profession or trade. It is important to bear in mind that you will be competing against many native speakers of English and French for any available jobs. You should also note that just prior to assessment the visa office will require the results of a third party language test, or other written evidence of your language ability. It is recommended that you undertake an authorized language examination in order to provide the visa officer with definitive, verifiable results. Applicants who submit authorized language test results are likely be processed more quickly than those that rely on a written submission regarding language ability. This is because authorized test results are independent and certifiable. In either case, the visa officer will make a decision based on the language documentation you submit. As such, you we encourage you to take language courses, try practice examinations, and otherwise improve your language ability before you are required to submit evidence of your abilities. Information on the IELTS test in English can be found at www.britishcouncil.org. Information on the French language test, Test d'[FONT=宋体]茅[/FONT]valuation de fran[FONT=宋体]莽[/FONT]ais (TEF) is available at http://www.fed.ccip.fr.It is essential that you prepare to work in Canada before you move. Finding work is a challenging process for Canadians and for immigrants. Even if you have many years of work experience in your home country, you may not be able to work in your trade or profession in Canada. There are many things you can do now to prepare for working in Canada, and make your job search easier. One of your first steps should be to prepare for an assessment of your professional qualifications. Many employers will require you to have your credentials assessed and accepted before they will hire you. These assessments measure how your training, education, and experience compare to Canadian standards. They may also indicate what further training may be needed before qualifying to work in Canada in your occupation. It is also important for you to know that most regulated occupations do not permit persons to practice their professions without a license. If you plan to practice your profession in Canada, you should first determine whether you will be eligible for a license to practice and, if so, what you must do to become licensed.While your application is in process, we suggest that you begin researching potential employment in Canada. There are a number of employment websites which you can access for information and job postings. For more information about living and working in Canada, including language skill and credential assessment, visit the Going to Canada website at: http://www.directioncanada.gc.ca/We thank you for your cooperation and continued interest in Canada.Regards, Canadian Embassy Beijing. [FONT=宋体]北京加拿大使馆[/FONT][FONT=宋体]?[/FONT]19 Dongzhimen Wai Dajie. [FONT=宋体]东直门外大街[/FONT]19[FONT=宋体]号[/FONT] Chaoyang District. [FONT=宋体]朝阳区[/FONT] 100600Beijing. PRC. 100600 [FONT=宋体]中华人民共和国[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]北京[/FONT]Fax: (86 10) 65321684 [FONT=宋体]传真[/FONT]: (86 10) 65321684Email: [email protected] [FONT=宋体]电子邮箱[/FONT]:[email protected]: www.beijing.gc.ca [FONT=宋体]网址[/FONT]: www.beijing.gc.ca Please note that this is a computer generated letter that does not require a signature.
赏 2006-11-12#2

27,238 $0.00 GX!!!评论
赏 2006-11-12#3

2006.10.14 IELTS L7/R5/W6/S5 自评70分2006.11.07 香港签收2006.11.21 信用卡划款2007.04.23 签发FN. VO WCYWaiting S2。。。 赏 2006-11-12#4

21,405 $0.00 这是新政的FN啊!评论
赏 2006-11-12#5 L 1,740 $0.00 恭喜恭喜!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 2006-11-12#7

Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏 2006-11-12#9

静守时光,以待流年~~~ 赏 2006-11-12#11

机场接送服务.--暂停 通过 FE 考试。 需要复习材料的请 PM 我。 赏 2006-11-12#12

静守时光,以待流年~~~ 赏 2006-11-12#13 Z 100 $0.00 北京EMAIL
赏 2006-11-12#14 P 1,321 $0.00 北京不是平信
活了半辈子的时候重启。。。。 赏 2006-11-13#15

2004年有了移民的想法,但未付出行动。2006年8月正式开始。2006年9月14日材料寄香港,19日签收。2006年10月26日招商信用卡划款。2007年2月26日发FN,3月21日收到。 赏 2006-11-13#16 J 1,486 $0.00 GX!
赏 2006-11-13#17

偶爱猫猫, 猫猫! 赏 2006-11-13#18 咚 59 $0.00 GX,GX这封信真长啊,看着就有成就感
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