加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问这是本科毕业证的公证书上的译文么?我怎么
Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught LearnersCERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONName : XXXXID No.: XXXXCertificate No.: XXXXAttended the Self-taught higher education examinations and specialized in XXXX, and passed the examinations in the Undergraduate course prescribed by the Teaching Program with qualified marks leading to graduation.请问这是本科毕业证的公证书上的译文么?我怎么觉得就是毕业证书的翻译,如果我想自己翻译公证书,可以将这个借鉴一下么?毕业证的翻译与公证翻译不一样吧 自考本科毕业证Conferred by:Office of the Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations of the Ministry of Education (Conferred and sealed by Guandong Provincial Commission of Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught Learners)Date of issue: December 30,2003andHigher Education Institution(Conferred and sealed by XXXX University)Date of issue: December 30,2003__________________ 谢谢
回复: 请问这是本科毕业证的公证书上的译文么?我怎么觉得就是毕业证书的翻译翻译好了到公证处直接做间接公证就行了。
回复: 请问这是本科毕业证的公证书上的译文么?我怎么觉得就是毕业证书的翻译Undergraduate course 不就是本科嘛 没错呀
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