加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看
We have assessed your declared occupation(s) against the list of eligible occupations identified by the Ministerial instructions. As your occupation(s) is included in the list of eligible occupations, you are therefore requested to submit a full application. Submitting your Full Application Go to http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp to download the Federal Skilled Worker guide and application forms. Your full application must consist of the following: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (if applicable) Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] Visa office-specific forms All supporting documents listed at: http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/documents/sw_sap_document_list.pdf You have 120 days from the date of this letter to prepare and submit these forms and supporting documentation. If your full application is not received within this time, we will assume you are no longer interested and close your file. Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. We will make a decision on your application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time. Until we have received your completed application, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, EXCEPT: Change of address, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!楼主是来炫耀的你已经进入传说中227新政的S2了
05 Jul,07递北京FN:12JulIELTS:13Dec,08S2:30Jun,09补料:28Jul 10Aug变12ME:08Sep(EXI)体检:19Sep13Oct变8 26Oct变12 22Mar,10交护照 30Mar变8 1APR变126JUL变13回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!可以说一下是什么职业?什么时候收到的FN吗??
05 Jul,07递北京FN:12JulIELTS:13Dec,08S2:30Jun,09补料:28Jul 10Aug变12ME:08Sep(EXI)体检:19Sep13Oct变8 26Oct变12 22Mar,10交护照 30Mar变8 1APR变126JUL变13回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!227新政的补料通知?给120天内提交。楼主几月的fn?
勇往直前~~回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!和我们次新政的补料信不一样啊!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!已阅
回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!吼吼,227的同志,好快啊!恭喜
Follow Our DreamFN: 2007-12-12 (BJ) / 12-20 (CIC)S2: 2010-01-21 EMS: 2010-02-0112: 2010-02-18 小孩补料:2011-05-09ME: 2012-12-17 EMS: 2013-01-04 DM:2013-05-21回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!好消息
只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!BJ好快
新手教程1:9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引地址、住址英译(简表问题12 & 13) ☆★☆ 喝小茶 养养身 来尚云号坐坐 ☆★☆回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!我是今年四月份交的材料,五月份的fn,我是大学英语助教,符合新列表,现在就是担心会不会我是英语专业老师而被拒绝,英语我交简表的时候我没有说我是教英语的
回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!我是今年四月份交的材料,五月份的fn,我是大学英语助教,符合新列表,现在就是担心会不会我是英语专业老师而被拒绝,英语我交简表的时候我没有说我是教英语的点击展开...不可能。你好好读下相关文件。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!炫耀贴,鉴定完毕
20061219fn-->20080815s2-->20081210补料-->20090317me-->20090327付登陆费-->20090329体检-->20090329交护照-->20090331使馆签收-->20090527变态为12-->20100118变态为13-->20100120变态为17 -->20100123收到大信封回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!好快!
回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!再来看看!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.不可能。你好好读下相关文件。点击展开...*谢谢这位朋友将移民局的处理指南发出来,很有用的,英语好的朋友可以研究一下。
回复: 今天收到大使馆的电子邮件,能否请各位朋友看一下是什么意思!急!新政真的好快,羡慕……
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