加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作经历及雇佣合同公证问题
回复: 工作经历及雇佣合同公证问题我在一家国企工作,签订雇佣合同后,合同都被单位收了上去,现在如何办理工作经历公证?雇佣合同公证?最好还不让单位知道。过来人指点一二,不胜感谢!点击展开...我在香港的CHECK LIST上看到了这样的话:7. WORK EXPERIENCEFor you and your spouse or common-law partner: notarized employment contracts from your present and past employers,accompanied by an English or French translation Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and currentemployers. Letters must be written on company letterhead and show thecompany’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with thecompany’s official seal.Letters must include all of the following information: the specific period of your employment with the company the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spentin each position your main responsibilities in each position your total annual salary plus benefits the signature of your immediate supervisor or the personnel officer of thecompany a business card of the person signingIf you cannot provide a reference or employment contract from your currentemployer, provide a written explanation along with an official proof of youremployment.因此你可以提供社保,税单,即使这两样都没有,你可以写说明和叫关系好的同事提供证明的。反正是真的就不怕。我认为移民局还是很人性化的。别那么担心。我当时申请就写过很多STATEMENT,把内容写得真实,诚恳些,都能被他们接受的。
回复: 工作经历及雇佣合同公证问题说得有理。
回复: 工作经历及雇佣合同公证问题谢谢ilovecanadameet,心里安心不少,办这些证明很麻烦的,尤其是在国企,唉,中国!
回复: 工作经历及雇佣合同公证问题我觉得说的很有道理。移民官让我们提供这些材料无非是想得到真实的材料,因为假的有很多。所以只要我们都提供的材料是真实的,即使没有合同,没有公司抬头的信纸,没有社保证明,我觉得也不会被拒的。
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