加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请各位帮我看看使馆的回信
回复如下:Please be advised that we have recently sent you correspondence by mail.We ask that you wait for the mail to arrive before requesting any further information.Mail may take 2-3 weeks to arrive, please be patient.Regards,Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, PRC 100600Tel: (86-10) 6532-3031Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684Web site: www.beijing.gc.caE-mail : [email protected](ECU-033)我的查询信如下:Subject: Inquire the process of immigration application To Whom It May Concern: Dear Sir/Madam: I started my application at the beginning of 2004 and got the file Nn 12,Oct 2004, my application is The Manitoba Provincial Nominee. The detailed information are as follows: Name:******FN: B*********Date of Birth: ******Until now my application lasts nearly for 6 months, but now my case states on Internet still 14. And I know, somebody 's application was later than my, but they have already been asked for submit passport. My son will get into his new semester after the summer holiday, and we could not make the final decision whether we shall pay the cost to his current school, as we'd rather to land in Canada and take school there, if we get visa before the beginning of his new semester. So could you please check my case at your early convenience time, andgive me a reply about when I can get my visa? Your understanding and cooperation with quick feedback will be highlyappreciated. My contact mobile phone:*********Best wishes***
赏 2005-04-22#2 Z 6,866 $0.00 我们已经收到你的查询信,再收到使馆信息前耐心等待,信需要2-3周的时间
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 赏 2005-04-22#3 B 120 $0.00 请注意我们最近已给你邮寄去一封信函,在收到此信前请不要再询问我处。信函发出后可能要经过两三周才能到达你处,请耐心等待。
BlueMountain 说:请注意我们最近已给你邮寄去一封信函,在收到此信前请不要再询问我处。信函发出后可能要经过两三周才能到达你处,请耐心等待。点击展开...agree!
[font=宋体]栀子花开[/font] 赏 2005-04-23#5 628 $0.00 感谢大家,估计是给我的体检表吧
赏 请注意我们最近已给你邮寄去一封信函,在收到此信前请不要再询问我处。信函发出后可能要经过两三周才能到达你处,请耐心等待。点击展开...准确。
赏 2005-04-25#8 R 1,408 $0.00 已经糟蹋3~4年了,还在乎这3~4个月吗
2001.10 -> BJ FN2005.1.16 -> ME2005.5.17 -> Visa2005.7.28 -> Calgary 赏 2005-07-21#9 559 $0.00 up!
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