加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民为何入籍只要求复印护照首页,而换新枫叶卡却要复印护照每一页?


移民部的主页上要求入籍时Provide photocopies of the biographical pages of all passports and/or travel documents换枫叶卡时则是your valid passport or travel document这句没有明确说究竟是整本还是首页,到底以什么为准?

哥们,看说明不认真:一、One (1) primary identity documentA copy of one of the following:your valid passport or travel document orNote: The copy should show the document type and number, issue and expiry date, your name, photo and date of birth是指身份证明文件,不需要整本复印,只需要有照片的那页,上面有姓名、有效期、出生年月即可。二、Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents), 居住证明,因为海关的入境章可能随便在那一页,所以护照需要整本复印,以便推算验证你居住时间。

不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!​哥们,看说明不认真:一、One (1) primary identity documentA copy of one of the following:your valid passport or travel document orNote: The copy should show the document type and number, issue and expiry date, your name, photo and date of birth是指身份证明文件,不需要整本复印,只需要有照片的那页,上面有姓名、有效期、出生年月即可。二、Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents), 居住证明,因为海关的入境章可能随便在那一页,所以护照需要整本复印,以便推算验证你居住时间。点击展开...没看到有你写这条啊,我也纳闷了

1. Immigration documentsRecord of Landing (IMM 1000), orConfirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688), andPermanent resident card (PRC) if you have one.Immigration documents that prove your status as a permanent resident (landed immigrant) of Canada.Permanent resident card: you must provide a photocopy of both sides, if you have one.

2. Language proof if you are 18-64 years of ageSelect one of the following types of proof to submit with your application:3. Biographical page of passport(s)/travel document(s)4. Two (2) pieces of personal identificationBoth pieces of identification should show your name and date of birth, one of which must have your photo on it.Examples include:a Canadian driver’s licencea Canadian health insurance carda copy of the biographical page of your passport/travel document, etc.If there is information on both sides of your personal identification documents, provide a photocopy of both sides.5. Payment receipt

6. Additional documents (as required)Possible documents are:translations of documents that are not in English or French,supporting documents to prove a name change,supporting documents to prove a date of birth correction.7. Print out of the On-line Physical Presence Calculator; or How to calculate Physical Presence(CIT 0407) form8. Residence Outside Canada form (CIT 0177) fully completed, dated, and signed, if applicable.Format: Original.9. Police certificate(s) (as required)0. Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476), if applicable.


不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!​楼上,我说的是更换枫叶卡而非入籍的要求点击展开...噢。我是不明白 为何入籍只要求复印护照首页,而换新枫叶卡却要复印护照每一页

Tercel 说:楼上,我说的是更换枫叶卡而非入籍的要求点击展开...那入籍到底要不要护照每一页的复印件及盖章翻译呢?


NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary申请更新枫叶卡更不受人待见呗这不就是你希望得到的答案吗点击展开...我只是觉得疑惑,按道理入籍应该更严格而已。我没有希望什么答案,是你自己觉得不受待见吧

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