加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民总理办公室的回信


I would like to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail to the Prime Minister. Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. I have forwarded your e-mail to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, for his information.Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister. S. Russell Executive Correspondence Officer Agent de correspondance de la haute direction

回复: 总理办公室的回信UP.

回复: 总理办公室的回信该评论美加媒体都不愿发,放弃了。Unfair Canadian immigration policy Recently, the Canadian Conservative government proposed bill C38 in March,and It has since been widely criticized domestically and internationally. The articles 87.3 and 87.4 of this bill, if passed at the end of this month , will force the withdrawal of all the past immigration applications (in the "91" category). many immigration applicants from China held a series of hunger strikes in Hong Kong a few days ago, protesting the Canadian government failing to keep its promise and discriminating against asians. As a Chinese scholar studying western ideology and culture, I would like to briefly express some of my opinions on this matter. I believe that this immigration policy, even from the conservative point of view, is difficult to justify, and it can seriously damage the long tradition and reputation of western civilization.1.Although the famous conservative politician Edmund Burke admitted that prejudices include some of the special wisdom, he and other conservatives believe that Conservatism is the gentleman's cause. It means that the basic premise is to keep the promise and cherish the reputation. 2. The provisions aiming at gaining benefits from immigration or enhancing "national interest" show vulgar utilitarianism and even Machiavellian tendency. The latter is of great concern as the political philosopher Leo. Strauss has already convincingly demonstrated the Machiavelli doctrine is the primary factor that subverts the idea of Conservatism. The departure of the provisions from the classical spirit advocated by Socrates and Plato is also evident as it contradicts the supreme criterion based on justice or natural right. 3. These terms and alternative assessment method are both arbitrary and bureaucratic.In fact, CIC officials may not understand well the applicants and their ideas. especially it is difficult to understand the complexities of China, For example, they completely ignore the most important factor: the applicants' cultural identity and sense of belonging to Canada. On the contrary, The modern principle of first-wait-first-served is both natural and justthat is precisely a concrete manifestation of the spirit of freedom and spontaneous order of Friedrich von Hayek. Just like the Mayflower coming to the North America in the seventeenth century!Last but not least, Conservative MP should review the teaching of Edmund Burke: prudence is the cardinal political virtue. Our understanding of this is that when we can not prove being able to do better, maintaining the status quo is the best option.

回复: 总理办公室的回信A very good job! Up!

回复: 总理办公室的回信UP!

回复: 总理办公室的回信非常好

2007.8.18 EMS投HK,2007.8.20 10:45妥投,2007.9.20 汇票解付,2008.2.23 FN,2009.4.6 确认信,2012 被切了~~加拿大政府太无耻了,2014.11 鸭熟,2014.12.17签收 超赞 赏 B beidiao 0$(VIP 0) 3,4182012-06-21#7 回复: 总理办公室的回信good

回复: 总理办公室的回信这是我5月份收到的回信: Dear XXX : Thank you for your e-mail to the Prime Minister. While the Prime Minister understands the circumstances that caused you to write, there are certain restrictions on the involvement of Cabinet members - including the Prime Minister - in cases like the one you have described. These limitations exist to assure all applicants that the immigration and refugee determination process is independent and free of political interference. Accordingly, the Prime Minister will not be able to make any representations on your behalf to the Department of Citizenship and Immigration in this matter. I have forwarded your e-mail to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, for his information and consideration. While I know you will be disappointed by this response, I hope you can understand the reasons for this policy. Once again, thank you for taking the time to write. M.F. Bustos Manager/Gestionnaire Executive Correspondence Services for the Prime Minister's Office Services de la correspondance de la haute direction pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre

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