加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息INSTANT Bonus from Revolution Money Exchange


Open an account through my referral link and get a $32.00 bonus just for opening an account on Money Exchange. NO INITIAL DEPOSIT REQUIRED, the $32.00 Bonus is deposited instantly into your RME account and it takes less than 2 minutes to fill-out the online form!This is similar to Paypal but if you send money to another Revolution Money Exchange member, there is no fee. ACH transfers are free. FDIC Insured, SSN required.Send me an email at [email protected] to get your $25 bonus today!I will split the $10 referral with you and that means you make $32 instead of just $25!!!From the RME website:Invite your friends, family, colleagues or customers to open a Money Exchange account, and you'll get a $10 referral bonus for each person that registers from your referral and is approved. You could earn up to $500! Welcome to Money Exchange. It’s the friendly way to send and receive money.Easily exchange money online.MoneyExchange is the new way to send and receive money online between MoneyExchange accountholders. It’s a great way to exchange money with friends, colleagues, or online sellers. Share restaurant, travel, or household expenses. It’s easy, secure and, best of all, it’s FREE to register and FREE to send and receive money between MoneyExchange accountholders.Secure transfers.With so many leading-edge security features built right in, security comes second nature to MoneyExchange. A PIN is required when you send money from your MoneyExchange account and transfers are processed safely and securely. Click here to learn more about our security features.Your wallet will thank you.Best of all ? it’s FREE

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