加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象


Why it happensShocking as it may be to you (and onlookers), aggressive behavior is a normal part of your toddler's development. Still-emerging language skills, a fierce desire to become independent, and undeveloped impulse control make children this age prime candidates for getting physical. "Some degree of hitting and biting is completely normal for a toddler," says Nadine Block, executive director of the Center for Effective Discipline in Columbus, Ohio. That doesn't mean you should ignore it, of course. Let your toddler know that aggressive behavior is unacceptable and show him other ways to express his feelings.What to doFollow up with logical consequences. If your child gets into the ball pit at the indoor play center and immediately starts throwing the balls at other kids, take him out. Sit down with him and watch the other kids play, and explain that he can go back in when he feels ready to join the fun without hurting other children. Avoid trying to "reason" with your child, such as asking him, "How would you like it if he threw the ball at you?" Toddlers don't possess the cognitive maturity to be able to imagine themselves in another child's place or to change their behavior based on verbal reasoning. But they can understand consequences.Keep your cool. Yelling, hitting, or telling your child he's bad won't get him to curtail his behavior — you'll just get him more riled up and give him examples of new things to try. In fact, watching you control your temper may be the first step in his learning to control his.Set clear limits. Try to respond immediately whenever your toddler is aggressive. Don't wait until he hits his brother for the third time to say, "That's enough!" He should know instantly when he's done something wrong. Remove him from the situation for a brief time-out (just a minute or two is enough). This is the best way to let him cool down, and after a while he'll connect his behavior with the consequence and figure out that if he hits or bites, he ends up out of the action.Discipline consistently. As much as possible, respond to each episode the way you did last time. Your predictable response ("Okay, you bit Billy again — that means another time-out") will set up a pattern that your child will recognize and come to expect. Eventually, it will sink in that if he misbehaves, he'll get a time-out. Even in public, where you may be mortified by your child's behavior, don't let your embarrassment cause you to lash out at him. Other parents have been there too — if people stare, simply toss off a comment like "It's hard to have a 2-year-old," and then discipline your child in the usual fashion.Teach alternatives. Wait until your toddler has settled down, then calmly and gently review what happened. Ask him if he can explain what triggered his outburst. Emphasize (briefly!) that it's perfectly natural to have angry feelings but it's not okay to show them by hitting, kicking, or biting. Encourage him to find a more effective way of responding — by "talking it out" ("Tommy, you're making me mad!") or asking an adult to help.Make sure your child understands that he needs to say he's sorry after he lashes out at someone. His apology may be insincere at first, but the lesson will sink in. The passions of toddlerhood can overtake a child's natural compassion sometimes. Eventually he'll acquire the habit of apologizing when he's hurt someone.Reward good behavior. Rather than giving your child attention only when he's misbehaving, try to catch him being good — for example, when he asks to have a turn on the swing instead of pushing another child out of the way. Praise him lavishly for verbalizing his desires ("That's so great that you asked to have a turn!") and, in time, he'll realize how powerful words are. Then give him a time-in by offering to push his swing or playing with him afterward.Limit TV time. Cartoons and other shows designed for young children can be filled with shouting, threats, even shoving and hitting. Try to monitor which programs he watches, particularly if he seems prone to aggressive behavior. When you do let your child watch TV, watch it with him and talk to him about situations that arise: "That wasn't a very good way for him to get what he wanted, was it?" (The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 2 watch no TV at all.)Provide physical outlets. You might find that unless your toddler gets a chance to burn off his abundant energy, he's a terror at home. If your child is high-spirited, give him plenty of unstructured time, preferably outdoors, to let off steam.Don't be afraid to seek help. Sometimes a child's aggression requires more intervention than a parent can provide. If your child is unusually aggressive for more than a few weeks, if he seems to frighten or upset other children, if he attacks adults, or if your efforts to curb his behavior have little effect, talk to your child's doctor, who may in turn recommend a counselor or child psychologist. Together you can determine the source of the behavior and help your child through it. Remember, your child is still very young. If you work with him patiently and creatively, chances are that his pugnacious tendencies will soon be a thing of the past.

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象儿子刚刚到了这个年纪,独立性非常强,换尿片奇难,不高兴的时候小手很快就扬起来了。我一般都是比较calm,老公周末的时候吼了一声,把孩子吓哭了,我在网上查了一下,把这个文章跟大家分享一下,如何对待toddler的aggression现象。 我们以后打算在宝宝发脾气的时候,很简单的心平气和的把他放在跳跳车里,软禁2分钟,如果还是不行,再放2分钟

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我家也刚过2岁,忽然发现会发脾气了,还带连摔代打的。如果无理哭闹,我们一般没人搭理他,他哭一会见不管用就自己爬起来玩了。打人摔东西,我们一般严厉批评他,跟他讲道理,小孩子心里明白做的不对,就是故意引起大人注意。

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师我家也刚过2岁,忽然发现会发脾气了,还带连摔代打的。如果无理哭闹,我们一般没人搭理他,他哭一会见不管用就自己爬起来玩了。打人摔东西,我们一般严厉批评他,跟他讲道理,小孩子心里明白做的不对,就是故意引起大人注意。点击展开...Avoid trying to "reason" with your child, such as asking him, "How would you like it if he threw the ball at you?" Toddlers don't possess the cognitive maturity to be able to imagine themselves in another child's place or to change their behavior based on verbal reasoning. But they can understand consequences.

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象好,我的小孩也这样

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我感觉他很乖啊,总是笑眯眯,乐呵呵的,没想到还挺有脾气的呢。我家两个都有这个relatively aggressive的阶段,也都是两岁左右。印象中老大没发生过试过推人打人的时间,但试过滚地哭叫,两次下来没人搭理她,一点效果都没有,之后再也不玩了。老二就厉害很多,在幼儿园打人,咬人,扯人头皮(那小黑人头发太贴头了),在家也会打姐姐,大喊大叫等等,被面壁思过不下十次。然某一天突然开窍了,脾性沉静了许多,现在偶然还会害羞了。儿子刚刚到了这个年纪,独立性非常强,换尿片奇难,不高兴的时候小手很快就扬起来了。我一般都是比较calm,老公周末的时候吼了一声,把孩子吓哭了,我在网上查了一下,把这个文章跟大家分享一下,如何对待toddler的aggression现象。 我们以后打算在宝宝发脾气的时候,很简单的心平气和的把他放在跳跳车里,软禁2分钟,如果还是不行,再放2分钟点击展开...

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我感觉他很乖啊,总是笑眯眯,乐呵呵的,没想到还挺有脾气的呢。我家两个都有这个relatively aggressive的阶段,也都是两岁左右。印象中老大没发生过试过推人打人的时间,但试过滚地哭叫,两次下来没人搭理她,一点效果都没有,之后再也不玩了。老二就厉害很多,在幼儿园打人,咬人,扯人头皮(那小黑人头发太贴头了),在家也会打姐姐,大喊大叫等等,被面壁思过不下十次。然某一天突然开窍了,脾性沉静了许多,现在偶然还会害羞了。点击展开...我叫这个阶段 幼童青春期,她们在这阶段就是喜欢发脾气,我们家两个也是这样的,教训一下或者不睬她们就是了。:)

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象"幼童青春期",哈哈,很恰当的称呼。希望她们不要有太多“青春期”就是了。你家也是两个公主?我叫这个阶段 幼童青春期,她们在这阶段就是喜欢发脾气,我们家两个也是这样的,教训一下或者不睬她们就是了。:)点击展开...

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象"幼童青春期",哈哈,很恰当的称呼。希望她们不要有太多“青春期”就是了。你家也是两个公主?点击展开...是啊是啊,比你们家小一点,一个3岁,一个5岁了,3岁那个还在青春期内。:(

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象儿子刚刚到了这个年纪,独立性非常强,换尿片奇难,不高兴的时候小手很快就扬起来了。我一般都是比较calm,老公周末的时候吼了一声,把孩子吓哭了,我在网上查了一下,把这个文章跟大家分享一下,如何对待toddler的aggression现象。 我们以后打算在宝宝发脾气的时候,很简单的心平气和的把他放在跳跳车里,软禁2分钟,如果还是不行,再放2分钟点击展开...兩歲以下不建議用time out 的方法,而是轉移注意力到其他。文章所指的是2-3歲的孩子,而不是二歲以下的。而且那種方法不行再用更不好,時間只能換年齡來,兩歲的最多只能兩分鍾。我兒子22個月多,目前為止完全沒有這種情況,而且從來不會無理哭鬧,哭都是有原因的,而且會告訴你他要cry。覺得都是孩子的天性決定的,父母的影響只是一個方面。有時候他要什么不能得到,他也會轉兩圈躺在地上,但是不會哭鬧,告訴他不行他很快自己就起來了。8個月左右的時候喜歡尖叫,聲音大得馬路上都能聽到,叫得自己臉都通紅,當時爸爸很擔心,但很快自己就outgrow這個了。一般都是因為坐椅子裡要出來或是在stroller裡累了就會這樣,現在則能忍耐了,只是會叫out out, walk。很多人說可能是年齡還沒到,他爸爸也說可能到了兩歲後也會有那些情況出現。

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象很好,谢谢LZ的转贴。

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分分钟涨姿势回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我家的还没有到一岁半呢,你给他换尿片的时候,叽里咕噜到处乱滚,分散注意力已经行不通了,大家有什么好办法?

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我感觉他很乖啊,总是笑眯眯,乐呵呵的,没想到还挺有脾气的呢。我家两个都有这个relatively aggressive的阶段,也都是两岁左右。印象中老大没发生过试过推人打人的时间,但试过滚地哭叫,两次下来没人搭理她,一点效果都没有,之后再也不玩了。老二就厉害很多,在幼儿园打人,咬人,扯人头皮(那小黑人头发太贴头了),在家也会打姐姐,大喊大叫等等,被面壁思过不下十次。然某一天突然开窍了,脾性沉静了许多,现在偶然还会害羞了。点击展开...他就是在我们靠近他,亲他时候,小手一扬,他不喜欢的事情,如果强迫他,后果很严重,不过他喜欢热闹,人一多,就很开心

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我家的还没有到一岁半呢,你给他换尿片的时候,叽里咕噜到处乱滚,分散注意力已经行不通了,大家有什么好办法?点击展开... 我兒子從七個月時就沒法換了,我的辦法是用slip-on或pull-up這類的,抱住他坐在自己膝蓋上摟住換,儘管這樣在提上去的一秒鍾手松開他也會跑掉,經常是後面屁股才露出一截就跑上樓去了。

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我家的还没有到一岁半呢,你给他换尿片的时候,叽里咕噜到处乱滚,分散注意力已经行不通了,大家有什么好办法?点击展开...这些都是孩子个性觉得的吧我家宝宝现在22个月到目前为止我还没有为换尿片烦恼过一岁多一点的时候一看我那尿片自己就会找床或沙发躺好现在16个月的时候每次我说换尿片他就会找尿片给我躺好等我换,现在22个月每次换完了还会帮我把脏尿片扔到垃圾桶。觉得可能每次他乖的时候我都表扬他而且小点的时候我都是有意识的在他面前示范一次再让他学一边他做对了表扬他亲亲他,他好像很受落

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象这些都是孩子个性觉得的吧我家宝宝现在22个月到目前为止我还没有为换尿片烦恼过一岁多一点的时候一看我那尿片自己就会找床或沙发躺好现在16个月的时候每次我说换尿片他就会找尿片给我躺好等我换,现在22个月每次换完了还会帮我把脏尿片扔到垃圾桶。觉得可能每次他乖的时候我都表扬他而且小点的时候我都是有意识的在他面前示范一次再让他学一边他做对了表扬他亲亲他,他好像很受落点击展开...恩,这个办法可能可以实践一下,他现在会走了,教他自己扔尿片,他应该会比较有成就感

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我兒子從七個月時就沒法換了,我的辦法是用slip-on或pull-up這類的,抱住他坐在自己膝蓋上摟住換,儘管這樣在提上去的一秒鍾手松開他也會跑掉,經常是後面屁股才露出一截就跑上樓去了。点击展开...我在想,既然他现在会走了,我是不是可以锻炼他自己上厕所

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我在想,既然他现在会走了,我是不是可以锻炼他自己上厕所点击展开...可以训练,但是如果他听不懂你的意思,训练起来不容易,而且幼儿园怎办?不可能一直要求老师这样那样吧。:) 等2岁后,能明白你说的意思,我觉得再训练也不迟。

回复: 如何对待2岁下小孩子推人打人拿东西砸人的现象我感觉他很乖啊,总是笑眯眯,乐呵呵的,没想到还挺有脾气的呢。我家两个都有这个relatively aggressive的阶段,也都是两岁左右。印象中老大没发生过试过推人打人的时间,但试过滚地哭叫,两次下来没人搭理她,一点效果都没有,之后再也不玩了。老二就厉害很多,在幼儿园打人,咬人,扯人头皮(那小黑人头发太贴头了),在家也会打姐姐,大喊大叫等等,被面壁思过不下十次。然某一天突然开窍了,脾性沉静了许多,现在偶然还会害羞了。点击展开...haha

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