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This has not only muddied the waters in determining the effectiveness of vaccinations programmes, but it suggests we are due for another flu pandemic.

2007.2.10 DHL递表2007.2.12 13:37 HK签收2007.2.27 11:46 招行信用卡扣款HKD7220自评分60+雅思2007.7.20 签发FN, 7.30收到 VO:SKM赞反馈:yangyang2005 2007-07-02#2 crespolily 264 $0.00 回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?还有这句when the Dutch boosted vaccination rates from less than 50 per cent of the elderly population to more than 80 per cent during the 1990s, deaths linked to flu fell by one fifth in all over-65s, and by half in those under 70

2007.2.10 DHL递表2007.2.12 13:37 HK签收2007.2.27 11:46 招行信用卡扣款HKD7220自评分60+雅思2007.7.20 签发FN, 7.30收到 VO:SKM回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?要有上下文,仅凭这两句猜测一下,muddy the water是个俗语,出自圣经,望文生义中文也是搅混水捣乱的意思。This has not only muddied the waters in determining the effectiveness of vaccinations programmes, but it suggests we are due for another flu pandemic.不知原文的This指什么,原文大意就这不仅让我们对疫苗接种工作的成效感到疑惑,并且还预示着另一场流感疫情的来临。when the Dutch boosted vaccination rates from less than 50 per cent of the elderly population to more than 80 per cent during the 1990s, deaths linked to flu fell by one fifth in all over-65s, and by half in those under 70二十世纪90年代,当荷兰将老龄人口的疫苗接种率从不到50%提高到80%以上,65岁以上老人因流感而造成死亡的病例同比下降了15%,相对于70年代则下降了一半。

白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球!赞反馈:yangyang2005 和 crespolily 2007-07-02#4 cdegt 2,455 $0.00 回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?原文是这个吧http://www.newscientist.com/channel/health/mg19426104.500-do-flu-vaccines-really-protect-the-elderly.htmlDo flu vaccines really protect the elderly?30 June 2007 NewScientist.com news service Debora MacKenzie Toronto DO FLU vaccines really protect the elderly? It's been a point of bitter dispute among flu experts. Specific studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated patients show the shots save lives, but national figures show little change in the numbers of elderly people dying from flu since vaccination became widespread after 1980.What is going on? A new analysis has revealed that elderly people are still dying of flu, but far fewer than 30 years ago - and those who are dying are older. This has not only muddied the waters in determining the effectiveness of vaccinations programmes, but it suggests we are due for another flu pandemic.Last week, Kristin Nichol of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis told the largest flu meeting ever, in Toronto, Canada, that when the Dutch boosted vaccination rates from less than 50 per cent of the elderly population to more than 80 per cent during the 1990s, deaths linked to flu fell by one fifth in all over-65s, and by half in those under 70. Yet Lone Simonsen of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease in Bethesda, Maryland, reported that there has been no obvious drop in wintertime deaths linked to flu in the US and Italy since widespread vaccination took off in 1980.Veteran flu researcher Tom Reichert of Entropy Limited thinks he knows why. "What I didn't realise till I looked again at the raw data is that deaths from flu have been dropping like a stone in industrialised countries for the past thirty years."In a new analysis he found that excess winter deaths have been declining steeply in the US, Canada, France and Australia since the last, mild flu pandemic of 1968, regardless of the predominant flu strain and whether vaccination programmes were in place. "People under 75 just don't die of flu any more," he told New Scientist. That means the virus is becoming less virulent, or we are doing something to make ourselves less susceptible to it.People over 80 still die of flu, probably because they respond least well to vaccination. And there are four times as many people in their 80s now than 20 years ago, says Reichert. So the rise in deaths among the over 80s helped mask the overall drop in flu deaths until he looked closely at the numbers. He thinks the fact that there are fewer flu deaths overall explains why the impact of vaccination on populations as a whole has not been obvious.But what worries him is that whatever is making us less susceptible to flu might be setting the stage for a pandemic. In the Asian flu pandemic of 1957, a new flu strain, H2N2, ousted H1N1, the strain circulating since 1918. Reichert reported in Toronto that, starting in 1947, H1N1 acquired a mutation that made it much less virulent. That drop in H1N1 virulence might have made it less contagious, allowing a slightly more transmissible H2N2 to evolve and replace it. If so, the drop in virulence of today's circulating flu strains could equally be paving the way for a more deadly strain to take over.

白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球!回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?对啊!就是这个原文~楼上的太厉害了~SW送上~

2007.2.10 DHL递表2007.2.12 13:37 HK签收2007.2.27 11:46 招行信用卡扣款HKD7220自评分60+雅思2007.7.20 签发FN, 7.30收到 VO:SKM对啊!就是这个原文~楼上的太厉害了~SW送上~点击展开...哈哈,谢谢其实不是厉害,google一下就有了,我说呢,原来讲的是指流感疫苗,你光拿出两句没有上下文一头雾水啦

白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球!回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?cdegt真是太强了

回复: could u help me to translate this sentence?good给楼上各位+SW

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