加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息what should I do????


我在某加拿大大学毕业 (undergraduate with honor), 读金融和信息管理. 工作了2年,拿了pr, 第一个工作是一些的电脑软件应用,做设计方面的. 后来来到温哥华做technical service rep. 就是给人家解决电脑问题, 金融危机事业了~! 还好有ei~~! 想找金融会计或者系统分析或者数据分析的工作. 但到处找工作找不到, 我英文不差, 口语流利, 还有加拿大工作经验, 虽然都是初级的. 我知道我的劣势是: 金融危机加上经验不足, 电脑方面的东西知道太少 (不会编程),会计金融方面又没有经验. 我很迷惑越来越没有自信, 想申请ei的学费去学点东西, 我该学什么??? I am so sick of looking at the job posting right now, so so frustrated! Any suggestions welcome!

回复: what should I do????个人建议,不要考虑编程的问题,那个不是每个人都能干的.

2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!回复: what should I do????你喜欢Ted 啊?

回复: what should I do????你先保持积极心态。我来toronto2个月。一直找工作,一直做labour。而且还是marketing类的高communication工作。不管做什么都要保持成功的希望啊,畏惧失业而去念书,恐怕不太好。

08.8.26投递――08.09.25担保DM(BJ CASE)――08.10.10IP,15号FN,状态14.――08.11.05状态12――08.11.14状态17――08.11.16大信封回复: what should I do????那么你找到工作了吗??? 请问?

回复: what should I do????那么你找到工作了吗??? 请问?点击展开...没啊,我便找工作边labour。 耐心一些,我觉得还是有很多机会,想办法挖掘啊。 NETWORKING很重要滴。

08.8.26投递――08.09.25担保DM(BJ CASE)――08.10.10IP,15号FN,状态14.――08.11.05状态12――08.11.14状态17――08.11.16大信封回复: what should I do????恩, 不是逃避找工作,而是觉得自己能力不够经验不足所以才想学点东西.

回复: what should I do????恩, 不是逃避找工作,而是觉得自己能力不够经验不足所以才想学点东西.点击展开...Trust me:学什么都比不上在工作中学到的东西更快更有价值.你既然觉得经验不足,为什么不赶快找工作拿经验?至于能力,别迷信学校鸟.读多少书都是为了工作,在工作中学的东西才真正能提升自己的能力.读书考多少分都是个数字,看得吃不得. 我自己就是有了血的教训.你找到一个工作就去做,千万别再浪费时间耽于幻想,以为学习读书是唯一正途,其实真的是离题太远. 你说你不是逃避找工作,我觉得你还是有点逃避.因为你说你sick of looking at the job posting now.其实找工作不难,只要你自己相信自己能找到工作,就一定能找到工作. 工作太重要了,对一个正常积极的人生来说.

回复: what should I do????没啊,我便找工作边labour。 耐心一些,我觉得还是有很多机会,想办法挖掘啊。 NETWORKING很重要滴。点击展开...想知道刚来的新移民怎么建立NETWORKING。多谢指点


回复: what should I do????很多政府机构和PROGRAM等着你去参加,里面的JOB DEVELOPER, RECRUITER很多地。多参加各种EVENT,CLUB,之类的活动,每次活动都要求自己认识一些人,留下一些有用的联络信息,be positive for meeting all strangers我这周末有空了弄个贴,把我接触过的PROGRAM分分类,也许有用。不过还是要靠自己的态度,否则别人怎么忙活也白搭咯。

08.8.26投递――08.09.25担保DM(BJ CASE)――08.10.10IP,15号FN,状态14.――08.11.05状态12――08.11.14状态17――08.11.16大信封Trust me:学什么都比不上在工作中学到的东西更快更有价值.你既然觉得经验不足,为什么不赶快找工作拿经验?至于能力,别迷信学校鸟.读多少书都是为了工作,在工作中学的东西才真正能提升自己的能力.读书考多少分都是个数字,看得吃不得. 我自己就是有了血的教训.你找到一个工作就去做,千万别再浪费时间耽于幻想,以为学习读书是唯一正途,其实真的是离题太远. 你说你不是逃避找工作,我觉得你还是有点逃避.因为你说你sick of looking at the job posting now.其实找工作不难,只要你自己相信自己能找到工作,就一定能找到工作. 工作太重要了,对一个正常积极的人生来说.点击展开...up

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......回复: what should I do????恩, 申请什么工作别人都不里的感觉真的很糟糕, 虽然还有失业金领, 但天天呆在家很闷, 所以学点东西的话可能不会让自己那么难受. 但一交了学费口袋就好紧了. networking 机会还是有很多的, 温哥华准备有一个为新移民开展的免费培训, 在温哥华的朋友可以报名, 多伦多也准备有, 具体在ymca网站上自己找吧: http://www.ymcatoronto.org/en/newcomers/index.html我要加油!

回复: what should I do????去申请EI学费,俺想申请,不过资格不够拿EI,估计也没的戏.

回复: what should I do????没啥建议,给你加点SW

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: what should I do????另外找工作就像搞对象,除了自身实力,还要看缘分和运气。

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。我在某加拿大大学毕业 (undergraduate with honor), 读金融和信息管理. 工作了2年,拿了pr, 第一个工作是一些的电脑软件应用,做设计方面的. 后来来到温哥华做technical service rep. 就是给人家解决电脑问题, 金融危机事业了~! 还好有ei~~! 想找金融会计或者系统分析或者数据分析的工作. 但到处找工作找不到, 我英文不差, 口语流利, 还有加拿大工作经验, 虽然都是初级的. 我知道我的劣势是: 金融危机加上经验不足, 电脑方面的东西知道太少 (不会编程),会计金融方面又没有经验. 我很迷惑越来越没有自信, 想申请ei的学费去学点东西, 我该学什么??? I am so sick of looking at the job posting right now, so so frustrated! Any suggestions welcome!点击展开...看了几天,给你一份忠告,就是找份你有一点背景的工作踏踏实实地做,搞清楚每个细节,养成习惯,那你就不会怕工作和自己知识技能不够.学习能力很重要.说明你在工作中的学习能力不是很好.

回复: what should I do????另外找工作就像搞对象,除了自身实力,还要看缘分和运气。点击展开...同意,找工作就象找对象,嘿嘿. 我也这样认为. 在上海的时候,偶的总结是找工作比找对象容易的多,在这里肯定要说找工作象找对象了. 哈.

回复: what should I do????同意,找工作就象找对象,嘿嘿. 我也这样认为. 在上海的时候,偶的总结是找工作比找对象容易的多,在这里肯定要说找工作象找对象了. 哈. 点击展开...我给你找了个对象.Supply SpecialistThis selection process has already been posted with reference numbers SVC09J-008618-000245. If you applied previously, your application will be considered. There is no need to submit another application unless you need to amend your résumé.Amended PosterDepartment Name: Department of Public Works and Government ServicesLocation: Gatineau Classification: PG - 04 Salary: $63,287 to $71,427Closing Date: March 26, 2009 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: SVC09J-009293-000538Selection Process Number: 2009-SVC-EA-HQ-33825Employment Tenure: Permanent positions. A pool of qualified persons resulting from this process may be used to fill similar positions tenures that may vary according to the position being staffed and with different language profiles:Bilingual imperative ? level: BBB/BBB and English essential.Vacancies: 2 Website: For further information on the department, please visit Department of Public Works and Government ServicesWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationOfficial Language Proficiency: Bilingual imperative ? level: BBB/BBB for the current positions.Various language requirements and/or profiles for the creation of a pool of qualified candidates:Bilingual imperative ? level: BBB/BBB English essentialEducationUseful InformationDegree from a recognized university with specialization in science, engineering or business or other related discipline from a recognized university OR a combination of a diploma in a relevant technical or business program (e.g. in sciences, business or other relevant technical discipline) from a recognized post secondary institution and recent relevant experience.Occupational CertificationCertification as an ISO Quality management Systems Lead auditor/Auditor by an accredited auditor certification program, such as RAB/QSA International (United States), IRCA (Britain) the American Society for Quality (ASQ, United States) or other recognized auditor certification bodies.ExperienceExperience in applying management systems standards or specifications (e.g., ISO 9001, ISO 14001, 22000) in the last three (3) years.Experience in working in a project office environment with a minimum three (3) years responsibility for at least part of a project. Experience in facilitating meetings and mediating discussions among technical experts. Experience in communicating with officials at various levels within the public or private sectors.Other Merit Criteria and Conditions of EmploymentCONDITION(S) OF EMPLOYMENT: Willingness and ability to participate in audits/meetings at locations across Canada and the USA.Reliability Status. This factor is not used at the pre-selection stage. The hiring department is responsible for the security clearance process.Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.ChallengeAs part of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) within the Government of Canada (GOC), the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is dedicated to offering client-centred, comprehensive standards development and certification services. The CGSB offers a wide range of accredited standards development services, including development of National Standards of Canada (NSC), CGSB standards, specifications, and Government of Canada (GC) forms and support to the development of International (ISO) Standards. The CGSB also offers accredited assessment and certification services for organizations, products and services and personnel. For organizations, CGSB offers ISO 9001:2000 (Quality), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational health and safety) certification. For products and services, CGSB offers independent certification and qualification programs against performance standards. For personnel, CGSB is mandated to implement the Certification Program for the Federal Government Procurement and Materiel Management Community. This Program is a component of the government-wide Professional Development and Certification (PDC) Program administered by the Treasury Board Secretariat. These services support the economy, procurement, policy and regulations, health, safety and environmental interests of clients and stakeholders ? government, industry and consumers.Additional Requirements / CommentsYou may be assessed using one (1) or more of the following tools: written exam, interview and/or reference checks.Information to be provided:You must provide the following information when submitting your application:Your résumé.A covering letter in 300 words (maximum) "Describe how you meet the requirements for this position."You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment TenureImportant MessagesThe hiring organization will accept job applications in various formats.Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application on-line to take advantage of the many benefits in using this electronic recruitment system. Some of these benefits are that:• Applicants can create a profile and a resume that can be used when applying for other processes without having to recreate a new application each time. • Applicants can modify their application/resume at anytime BEFORE the closing date indicated on the job advertisement. • Applicants can verify the status of their applications, at any time. • Applicants can be notified electronically of tests or interviews and results. For some jobs, applicants will find important information, namely the job questionnaire and a complete statement of merit criteria that are only available when applying on-line. Persons who are unable to apply on-line can: fax it to: Geneviève Picard's attention at 819-956-9246; mail it to: Geneviève PicardPlace du Portage III, 2C111, rue LaurierGatineau (Québec) K1S 0S5; email it to: [email protected] with a disability preventing them from applying on-line should contact us at 1-800-645-5605.Please ensure that you include the Advertisement Reference Number on all documents and that you specify your citizenship status.Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.

回复: what should I do????哼,你看都米看. 是质量方向的,要双语. 扁四.

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