加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息英语小测验Idioms: Sport 成语:运动


1 : After 30 exhausting years as a salesman, Jack was ready to _______. A set the paceB throw in the towelC get the ball rollingD back the wrong horse 2 : I've sent the contract back to them. Let's wait and see what they do; _______. A I'm in their cornerB we've been saved by the bellC we've let the side downD the ball's in their court 3 : With our new software you can really give your business A a level playing fieldB a ballpark figureC a sticky wicketD the inside track

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 英语小测验Idioms: Sport 成语:运动4 : I'm sorry mate. You're a nice enough guy but she's _______. A out of your leagueB out for the countC out of the runningD off base 5 : At this stage it's not clear which company will win the contract; it's _______. A below the beltB a good inningsC neck and neckD just not cricket 6 : Don't _______ or we might miss our opportunity. A take your eye off the ballB cover all the basesC call the shotsD go the distance

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 英语小测验Idioms: Sport 成语:运动1 B To throw in the towel 来自拳击运动,意思是放弃了,不干了。To get the ball rolling 这个成语意思是开始做什么事情,但在在这里不适用。 To back the wrong horse 意思是判断错误,下错赌注了。 2 D The ball is in your / his / their court 是起源于网球运动的一个成语,意思是下一步就看你的了。 3 D A ballpark figure 这个美式俚语来自棒球运动,意思是大概的数字。 A sticky wicket 这个成语来自板球运动,意思是处境不利。 The inside track 这个成语来自田径运动,意思是具有竞争优势。 4 A To be out of someone's league 是一个非常实用的成语,意思是和某人不相称。这个成语经常被用在爱情情景中,形容某一方比另一方要强多了, 两人不匹配,类似汉语中不门当户对。 To be out for the count 来自拳击运动,意思是失去知觉了或者是睡熟了。 不对。To be out of the running 意思是被淘汰出局了,在这里不适用。 不对。Off base 来自棒球运动,意思是(想法)大错特错。 5 C 。Below the belt 是一个常用成语,来自于拳击运动,意思是(行动或事情)不公平。 A good innings 来自于板球运动。如果有人 had a good innings 意思就是他有很长一段时间都是一帆风顺,事事如意。 Neck and neck 来自赛马运动 ,意思是并驾齐驱,不分上下。错了。英国人会用 It's just not cricket 这个短语来形容他们觉得不公平的事件。 6 A 一个人如果是掌管全局,是领导人物,那么他就可以 call the shots 发号施令。 To go the distance 来自于拳击运动,意思是无论多大的困难,也会坚持到底。 如果你 take your eye off the ball (没有目不转睛的看着这个球),那么你就失去了目标,也可能由此失去了竞争优势或者机会。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 英语小测验Idioms: Sport 成语:运动谢谢cindyycm!!支持鼓励!感谢!!

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