加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【转贴】日常简单口语小tips


1. I'm dying to see you. 我真想见到你。 2.I'm flattered.过奖了。 3.I'm not in the mood.我没有心情。 4.I won't buy your story.我不吃你这一套(我不买你的帐)。 5.It hurts like hell.痛死了。 6.It can't be helped.无能为力。 7.I'm always punctual.我总是很准时。 8.I wish I could.不行。 9.What's the rush?什么事这么麻烦? 10.What's so funny?有什么好笑的。 11.I couldn't agree more.我完全同意。 12.I couldn't do less.我将竭尽全力。 13.I can't care less.我不在乎。 14.Stay out away with the matter please.别管这事。 15.Mind your own business.少管闲事。 16.Don't jump to conclusions.不要过早下结论。 17.Forgive me for breaking my promise.请原谅我食言。 18.Let's forgive and forget.让我们既往不咎。 19.She gives me a headache.她让我头疼。 20.He often fails to keep his words.他常不守诺。 21.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁? 22.You're wasting your breath.你在白费口舌。 23.Don't get on my nerves.不要搅得我心烦。 24.His argument doesn't hold water.他的论点站不住脚。 25.Your face tells it all.你的表情透露了一切。 26.Don't look wise.不要自作聪明。 27.You're too much(going too far)你太过分了。 28.I don't have the nerves to do it.我没有勇气去做。 29.It's the matter of life and death.这事生死攸关。 30.Nothing works.一筹莫展。 31.Money will come and go.钱财乃身外之物。 32.You're too out-spoken.你太鲁莽了。 33.He puts me into shame.他使我难堪。 34.Every dog has his day.人人都有得意之日。 35.Are you out of your mind.你疯了吗? 36.Who's to blame?怪谁呢? 37.It's raining cats and dogs.天正下着倾盆大雨。 38.You won't get away with the publishment.你逃脱不了惩罚。 39.His idea is childish/naive.他的想法太天真。 40.I hope I'm not in the way.我希望我没有妨碍。 41.What brings you here.什么风把你吹来了。 42.She looks blue.她看起来很忧郁。 43.You're the boss.你说了算。 44.Where to, chief?老兄,到哪儿去? 45.as high as a lark 心情愉快 46.I get a bang out of you.你给我极大的乐趣。 47.i'm all ears 洗耳恭听 48.Take your time.打扰了。 49.I'm mad/crazy about...我对...着迷。 50.How do I address you?怎么称呼你? 51.Over my dead body.没门。 52.I like to see a job done quickly.我喜欢速战速决。 53.More haste,no speed.欲速则不达。 54.That's not like him.那不像他的风格。 55.Be my guest.别客气。 56.Don't beat around the bush. Let's get to the point. 不要拐弯抹脚,直谈要点。 57.Far from it.不是这回事。 58.It doesn't make any difference.没有什么差别。 59.It's better than nothing.廖胜于无。 60.I'm not myself today.我心神不安。 61.Late is better than never.迟做总比不做好。 62.It all depends.看条件决定。 63.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。 64.Once in a blue moon.罕见。 65.I came with the express purpose of seeing you.我是特意来看你的。 66.They greeted him with many expressons of pleasure.他们说拉许多表示欢迎的话。 67.To put all cards on the table.打开天窗说亮话。 68.No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。 69.As red as a rose.艳若桃李。 70.To beat all air.捕风捉影。

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室赞反馈:小南瓜 2005-09-04#2 小南瓜
3,791 $0.00 谢谢版主,保存了,+SW~~

[URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"][/URL][URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"]行事从容,低调向前走~~~[/URL]谢谢版主,保存了,+SW~~点击展开...谢谢 回礼

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室赞反馈:cast 2005-09-04#4 cast 2,308 $0.00 UP!

2005-09-27#5 woody_feng 429 $0.00 谢了!

Good! 收藏中!

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